MoI & Hypershot

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
2521.2 In reply to 2521.1 
I always put in a plug for MoI where appropriate when posting on the Hypershot forum. The two programs play well together, and even better when material grouping goes live in MoI ver 2.

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 From:  BurrMan
2521.3 In reply to 2521.2 
Anyone else notice if you export obj as "Y-up" then in Hypershot it comes in laying down but coordinates read "Y-up"?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2521.4 In reply to 2521.3 
Hi Burr - OBJ files do not actually have a method inside of them to label which direction is supposed to be "up".

So when you export from MoI as "Y-up", it is talking purely about how your objects are going to be oriented in the resulting file, the coordinate system labels (what directions you see labeled as x, y, and z) in the receiving application are not going to be changed when reading in the OBJ file.

But some programs expect to have OBJ data with Y pointing up and others with Z pointing up, so that setting allows you to adapt MoI's OBJ export to suit the target application so that you don't have to rotate it after you import it.

- Michael
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