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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2518.6 In reply to 2518.5 
How old are these libraries?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2518.7 In reply to 2518.6 
Hi Pilou, you mean when did they start developing them?

I think they've been working on different parts of it for the last 10 years or so. So some parts are something like 5 months old and some parts are 10 years old, and various things range in between that.

If you want more information on their library, you could try contacting them, this is their web site:

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2518.8 In reply to 2518.7 
< you mean when did they start developing them?
Yes :) Thx for the infos
it's amazing to see that is always a domain in evolution and that the algos are not definitively resolved!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2518.9 In reply to 2518.8 
Hi Pilou - unfortunately processing geometric objects is a difficult area of work, particularly for things that involve an accurate interaction between different shapes.

Shapes come in such an infinite variety that it is not very easy to test every single possible combination.

- Michael
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2518.10 In reply to 2518.6 
Pilou here is a bit of history

Also read at bottom of this page (Robert Blomgren, of AGLib, the first commercially available NURBS library, which was sold to Alias Research in 1994, a subsidiary of Silicon Graphics Inc)

EDITED: 26 Mar 2009 by YANNADA

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 From:  PaQ
2518.11 In reply to 2518.10 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your investigation ;)

EDITED: 26 Mar 2009 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2518.12 In reply to 2518.10 
@Yannada: Thx for the info!
I love the "The core of the kernel has been product tested and is essentially complete. " :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2518.13 In reply to 2518.12 
Hi Pilou, well there is a big difference between "feature complete", where major functions have been written, versus "no bugs", which doesn't really ever happen.

- Michael
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 From:  Yenmonger (OTTERMAN)
As us programmers say,
"The last bug is gone when the last user is dead."
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Well from my experience there is not such think as bugs free software but one thing is for sure Michael RESPONSIVENESS is all you need.

Also to clarify things the architosh article is from 1999. Solids++ is NOT used in Vectorworks anymore. VectorWorks 2009 adopted Parasolid Modeling Kernel. More info here why.

Anyhow if you look the Tech behind and Michael should have all the Muscle needed to create one of the strongest Modeling apps out there.

Here is one of my favorite parts. (Michael Lounsbery PhD was a senior researcher and primary developer at Alias of Maya's subdivision surface library and polygon mesh library).

Who Needs TSplines or Imagine and Shape If can get that in MoI? For sure it does not happen from one day to the other. But can you imagine that day...Zaha Hadid and I will be so happy.

EDITED: 17 Apr 2009 by YANNADA

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 From:  BurrMan
2518.16 In reply to 2518.15 
I think you have to use the integrityware mesher to use that and Michael has a custom mesher. "The Gibber!" as I like to call it.

Did you Gibb that to render it?

I think a good Gibbing is in order.

Nothing but Gibb! :O
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2518.17 In reply to 2518.16 
He did overcome that "problem" the first time So I'm sure he can do it again and again...Also note sdlib is not an integrityware product, I think.

I also think the hardest part of Michael job is deciding what not to put into MoI, but to find a way to implement workflows in an intuitive, innovative manner that accelerates the design process. That's the secret to moving forward and Michael seem to be on the ball IMO.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2518.18 In reply to 2518.16 
Hi Burr - that one is something different than a mesher - that is an alternate way to define surfaces.

It's more similar to what you see when you select a surface (use Edit/Separate if it is joined) and turn on control points.

@yannada - yeah what I'm doing is not only just wiring tech pieces together (although that certainly can help), but also trying to make a coherent UI that works in a fluid way. Unfortunately that goal is elusive and easily broken. It takes a huge amount of time and care to grow the UI without it becoming difficult to use.

Also yannada, you may need to "not count your chickens before they are hatched". Some libraries that you see may be new and still in their early stages. They are promising but it is not so good to automatically jump to assumptions based on a few images like it sounds like you are doing.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2518.19 In reply to 2518.17 
He probably thinks thats the "fun part". The hard part is fixing the forum software when it bugs up!
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2518.20 In reply to 2518.18 
"The milk in this pail will provide me with cream, which I will make into butter, which I will sell in the market, and buy a dozen eggs,..." (that's me The Dreamer)

Anyway Blobism it seems is here to stay and if you can provide the Tools to designer, Architects for sure you are in a win win situation. Now If there is a better way/Code you the only one to Know. I'm just a designer.

EDITED: 26 Mar 2009 by YANNADA

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2518.21 In reply to 2518.19 
? I don't Know about bugs but if you have some constructive input Ill be the first to read.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2518.22 In reply to 2518.21 
Hi yannada,

> ? I don't Know about bugs but if you have some
> constructive input Ill be the first to read.

The forum was offline for a while earlier today due to a server glitch, that's what Burr was referring to.

- Michael
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2518.23 In reply to 2518.22 
I took his massage as sarcasm. I should then apologize to BurrMan.
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 From:  PaQ
2518.24 In reply to 2518.14 
>> As us programmers say,
>> "The last bug is gone when the last user is dead."

Nice one :)
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 From:  BurrMan
2518.25 In reply to 2518.23 
Hi Yannada,
I was teasing Michael that he probably loves to work on MoI, and would hate to fix the Forum software. (knowing him he probably enjoys both!)

No need to apologize as Its easy to misinterpret in a forum setting, and I also have an odd sense of humor that can be taken wrong at times.

I meant no disrespect.

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