Creating solids from surfaces

 From:  paoki
Okay, my first post to this forum. So let me say hi first. :)

I have a question concerning the creation of solids from surfaces. I usually create more complex solids by sweeping curves along shared rails. For some reason gluing the surfaces together afterwards using boolean operations often doesnt result in solids even tho i can't spot any holes. Am I possibly doing anything fundamentally wrong? The boolean command works so its not like the surfaces dont intersect or anything like that. (Well they dont really intersect i suppose, they just touch each other because of the shared edges.)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2424.2 In reply to 2424.1 
Hi paoki, welcome to the forum!

If you've got surfaces that just touch each other edge-to-edge then try using the Edit/Join command to glue those together into a solid, rather than the booleans.

The Booleans are more targeted towards cutting the surfaces with one another as part of the process, which can make things more complicated in some situations.

Join on the other hand is only focused on gluing edges together and not on cutting objects with one another.

Do you have an example .3dm file of something that is causing you problems? If so, can you please post it as an attachment here? That will help me to take a look at your specific situation.

- Michael
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 From:  paoki
2424.3 In reply to 2424.2 
Thanks alot for the help, Michael. I am going to try Edit/Join. Sadly I am not at home right now and writing from a public place which is why I dont have any files available to attach right now. But if i'll keep running into problems i'll get back to your offer to have a look at the file. :)
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 From:  BurrMan
2424.4 In reply to 2424.3 
You can run MoI from a usb stick!! I never leave home withoutit. :)

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 From:  paoki
2424.5 In reply to 2424.4 
Thx for the tip. Was more about the lack of data tho. But seems to work now. :)
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