Is this a bug?

 From:  d^^b (DAVID)

I draw an ellipse, and extrude it
After that, I rotate it making a copy.
The result is the first screenshot

Then, I try to get the result to a boolean-intersect operation, but this is the result. (the second one)

Is this a bug, or I´ve made any wrong step?

Thx ;-)


The 3dm file is ready for apply the boolean-->Intersec

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 From:  BurrMan
2399.2 In reply to 2399.1 
Hi David,
Your file works ok if you extend each object a bit through each other. These kinds of operations where things just "Graze" along an exact edge can give problems to the intersection mechanism.

How did I do? Do I sound like Michael at all?? :)

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2399.3 In reply to 2399.1 
Hi David, yes this is a bug in the surface/surface intersection calculation (which is one step of the boolean process).

The geometry library that MoI uses sometimes has a problem calculating the intersection between 2 tubular surfaces that touch in a single "crown point" like you have here.

Since the upper part works, to finish this particular model you can cut the pieces in half, then perform the intersection on the halves, and then mirror that to make the bottom half and union those together, I have attached a version here rare_top_half.3dm which has that set up, in case you need to do this to finish up.

This needs to be fixed inside the geometry library, so it may take a while before this bug is finally fixed up.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2399.4 In reply to 2399.2 
Hi Burr,

> How did I do? Do I sound like Michael at all?? :)

Actually sounded better than me on this one! :)

Yeah definitely the more kinds of "single grazing points" that you have can tend to run across these problems even more, so it is a good idea to reduce them by making objects sort of punch through each other more fully when possible, rather than just grazing right along each other.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2399.5 In reply to 2399.4 
""""Actually sounded better than me on this one!

Only if your "Intelligence Quotient" dropped off by a third!
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
Thank you guys.

Well, my first idea was to cut the solid and erase the "bad" part, and then make a simetry. ;-)

By the way, I had forget a cuestion.

If you see my screenshots, you´ll can see that I´ve lost the small arrows that let me to work in a full screen, overlaping the taskbar.
My browser is firefox 3. If I open MoI like and Admin (I ususally work like an user with a limited account) those arrows appears.
Dou you know what happens?

Thank you again!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2399.7 In reply to 2399.6 
Hi David,

> Dou you know what happens?

I did just a couple of days ago fix a bug that Burr reported to me that involved auto-hide taskbars when using the "Windows classic style" desktop theme.

It looks like you are also running that desktop theme, is that correct?

Do you have any other desktop toolbars enabled, and any of them set to auto-hide mode?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2399.8 In reply to 2399.7 
Hi David, I did some tests over running as a limited user with just the normal taskbar at the bottom of the screen (no auto-hide or anything), and unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the problem of the "full screen" arrow not showing up.

If you have any more information you can give me, such as do you have particular configuation of the desktop (like additional toolbars, etc...), or any additional system utilities running that may alter how the desktop behaves, please let me know, maybe that will help me to be able to reproduce the problem.

- Michael
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