How to draw molding

 From:  ggagnon
I want to draw a block of wood contoured with a router bit (like a molding). I have tried with Trail Revolve but the shape in irregular.
How can I do this in Moi3D?
Thank you,

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 From:  manz
2375.2 In reply to 2375.1 
Are you looking for this type of result?

That was created by separating the main profile line, then copying the cross section (the router shape) to each intersection, rotating them as needed, then making a sweep between each of the sections.

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2375.3 In reply to 2375.1 
Hi Gaston - MoI does not currently automatically produce mitered corners on stuff like this, so the way to build it now is to use Sweep to generate the surfaces, then use Trim to cut away some excess pieces to make the corners, and a couple of instances of Construct/Planar to build surfaces from a planar set of curves.

That's what I did to create the finished result which is attached here as, which looks like this:

One of the first stages is to select your profile curve, and then do Construct / Sweep to generate the base surfaces. This stage looks like this:

The primary surfaces are created there - use Edit/Separate to separate that into individual surfaces, then select pairs of areas that look like this:

After selecting those overlapping pieces, run Edit/Trim, then at the "Select cutting objects prompt", you push "Done" or right-click without selecting anything else since you want to do a "mutual trim" where each object is acting as both an object to be cut as well as a cutter.

That will calculate the intersections between the surfaces and dice them up into fragments and you can pick which pieces to discard.

Pick these pieces to discard:

To get this final result:

I repeated that for each of those corner areas, for one quarter of the model and then did 2 mirrors to generate the final result.

Let me know if you have questions on any of the stages.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2375.4 In reply to 2375.1 
Also Manz has a good solution there too, by a different approach. (didn't see his before I posted mine!)

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2375.5 In reply to 2375.4 
Hi Michael,

At least Gaston now has 2 options to try.


- Steve
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 From:  ggagnon
Great solutions.
Both methods work well. As long as the router bit profile selected is appropriate for the application ;) See the obvioul overlap in the narrow part of the arrow tip on Michael's router_finished.jpg
Thanks to all.
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 From:  MattGatten
2375.7 In reply to 2375.6 
Regardless of whether or not it solved your problem. That is a good bit of info. Thanks Michael!

I've got a molding project to do at my house this summer. My 'old lady' is going to love being able to see the stuff in advance.

Later Gator,
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 From:  rhodesy
What is the roadmap for auto mitred corners? For me it's a big wish and would make common situations like this much easier?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2375.9 In reply to 2375.8 
Hi rhodesy -

> What is the roadmap for auto mitred corners?

I expect to get it in for v2 along with a batch of work for sweep, but not until after the object organization tools are complete.

So probably right at the end of v2 pretty much.

- Michael
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 From:  rhodesy
Sweet - looking forward to all those things, thank you.
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