Feature Request: Close Openings

 From:  ghan
Hi Michael,

Here's a feature request...How about a tool to close up openings (such as holes, cuts through solids ?)

SpaceClaim has included this tool and it works very well for removing slots, holes, cuts etc with a single click.

Often times I find that I want to remove such a feature from a model and the only way to do this is to create a solid "plug" feature and then do a boolean add. This usually leaves phantom tangent lines left remaining in the solid that I would prefer would not be there.

Perhaps this has been discussed previously, but I did not locate the topic.

Best Regards,

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 From:  BurrMan
2371.2 In reply to 2371.1 
Hi Ghan,
Not taking away from your feature request but in case you didnt know....

With more simple holes the surface can be "healed". So if there is a hole (Puka for MG) in a sphere for instance, select the holes surface edges and delete them and the hole closes.

Again, FYI.

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 From:  ghan
2371.3 In reply to 2371.2 
Thanks Burr,

I must be missing something.

I tried to delete the edges of these openings. I was not able to do so.


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 From:  manz
2371.4 In reply to 2371.3 
Hi ghan,

What Burr is putting forward is the un-trimming of a trimmed surface.

On the example you show, you would first need to "separate" the solid, then select the surface edges, then delete them, which will put the surface back to untrimmed, then rejoin the required surfaces (some re-trimming may be needed depending on the other surfaces it is meant to join for the solid,.. and the extra surfaces made that join those holes will have to be deleted.
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 From:  BurrMan
2371.5 In reply to 2371.3 
In your picture, Select the object... Now zoom in and do a second click of the inner surface of one of your shapes and delete it. Now select the object and do a second select of the edge of the opening and delete it. It closes the hole.
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 From:  BurrMan
2371.6 In reply to 2371.5 
Forgot pics!

Inner surface reffered to.

edge to delete after inner surfaces are gone.

Also, when Michael comments We'll both be looking for "An area where this does not work like this". I think there are curcumstances where this wont work.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  ghan
2371.7 In reply to 2371.6 
I see...

Thanks. This does work, but is somewhat cumbersome.

I still stand by my request !

BurrMan... I am assuming that you are the same Burr responsible for an impressive and extensive collection of SKU Ruby scripts?

Thanks for your input!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2371.8 In reply to 2371.7 
< Burr responsible for an impressive and extensive collection of SKU Ruby scripts?
I believe not ;)
It's Didier Bur, a Frenchy ;)
The more extraordinary site for free Sketchup Ruby Scripts! By Didier Bur ;) Architecture Ingeniery also !
Exist in English !

EDITED: 31 Jan 2009 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
2371.9 In reply to 2371.7 
>>Ruby Scripts
Not me! Looks like Pilou knows who that is.

>>>Stands by the request
Yes, someday a specialized tool to do this may be nice!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2371.10 In reply to 2371.1 
Hi ghan, I've added this to the wishlist here: http://moi3d.com/wiki/Wishlist

Unfortunately it will probably be quite difficult to make this work properly though - SpaceClaim has done quite a large amount of work in an area called "feature recognition" where they analyze the arrangement of surfaces to determine which things are "holes" and which things are "outer surfaces" for which parts to throw away and which parts to keep in situations like that.

It takes quite a lot of effort to make something like that which works on anything other than the very most simple situations.

So that "untrim" method shown above will probably be the main way to do that in MoI for quite some time yet.

There will probably also be another way to get that done in the future by editing the history of operations, if you have done the boolean operations inside of MoI (rather than importing the full model already done I mean).

- Michael
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