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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...

Don't respond now ... just enjoy your vacation and the warmth ... it is 12C here today ... but sunny!

If I create a T-Spline object in Rhino and then save the file as 3dm the T-Spline objects do not show up in MoI ... even if I use the command in T-splines that converts the objects to Rhino Surfaces ...

This is not a present time problem for me ... I am just beginning to learn to use T-Splines and am not sure they will really help me my actual work flow.

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 From:  Anis
2359.2 In reply to 2359.1 
Hi Eric,

Can you please share your result from t-spline ?

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2359.3 In reply to 2359.2 
Sorry if I seem to repeat myself.

I consider, as well as because of its cost, that Rhino is a very "specialists" (complicated) app.

MoI seem the ideal Nerbs app for most.
I still think Hexagon outweighs most apps (including the big 3) for Poly modelling. (A shame that Eovia(France) did not have an extra 6 months with it--just a few little niggly bits that could be "easily" fixed?)

Value for money I doubt that many app combintions can match that MoI,Hexagon, Carrara for user interactivity/versatility/ friendliness--currently.

EXCEPT, I think 3D Coat (V3) is the coming big app where the triumverate would be MoI, 3D Coat, Carrara.

BUT, again, with the approaching (FREE) Blender2.5--will it be the middle of the year?---could the "Ideal" combination be MoI, 3D Coat, Blender2.5?

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 From:  jbshorty
If you open a Tspline/3DM file in MoI, you should get the equivalent smooth polysurface. This is same as if you open a Tspline file in Rhino without a TSpline license on that machine. It just converts back to a polysurface...

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2359.5 In reply to 2359.4 
Yes, that is what it should do, I think. I did start with a Rhino nurbs file with one object and that came through ... but when I used the basic solids from T-splines (like sphere and box) they did not come into MoI even though I had modified them with T-splines and then converted them back to Rhino surfaces.
Odd, I think ... but when I lose something in translation I just shrug and know that I don't understand the language.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2359.6 In reply to 2359.2 
I would but I was just fooling around with some random shapes and did not bother to save the file.
Next time.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2359.7 In reply to 2359.3 
Hi Brian ...

I couldn't agree with you more. I use Rhino because I have for a number of years, I can do sophisticated 2d drafting with it, one of its plug-ins is great for creating cross sections of construction, complex and large site contour tools and it has built in (plug-in) renderers that are great for architecture and landscape architecture (in my humble opinion). It is, as you point out a "specialists" tool.

MoI is more intuitive, getting better every day, much less expensive - beats SketchUp hands down ... I love working with it when I can ... but it is not yet a one-tool for me. It may be by version 3.

I personally am very happy that you are beating the drum for MoI ... I do, too ... it is a GREAT modeling tool.

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 From:  jbshorty
2359.8 In reply to 2359.5 
Hi Eric. You're using the 2.0 beta? Those primitives are T-mesh objects, not Nurbs. So probably your object is not a smooth t-spline, but is a smooth T-mesh. They look almost the same... Convert the object to smooth Tspline mode... Then i think MoI will import the polysurface...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2359.9 In reply to 2359.1 
Hi Eric - 80 degrees Fahrenheit here - couldn't be any better! :)

It sounds like Jonah has a description of the conversion that you need to do?

That is probably the same thing that you would need to do to send your t-spline model to someone who has Rhino but not the t-splines plugin. If you need any additional info from the t-splines guys you might ask them that question (how do I send my model to someone with "vanilla" rhino).

Please let me know if you are still stuck.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2359.10 In reply to 2359.7 
"beats SketchUp hands down"
they are not on the same family but are both crazy easy to use ;)
Say cousins at the third level :)
And Moi export directly to it :D
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2359.11 In reply to 2359.8 
Right Jonah ...

I does exactly that.

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 From:  jbshorty
All I can say is thank god (aka Tom Sederberg) for T-Splines. I am doing a project for a client today which is a military style logo crest button. On it there are 2 lions, some twisted rope with sculpted metal brackets, and a jeweled crown. All details must be modeled in a false perspective. Would be a real b-tch if not for Tsplines. My workflow goes in this order -

sculpt a mesh grid in Modo for basic shape
retopo in Hexagon
import to Tsplines

Sweet! I wish I could publicly show this work in progress. But this one is under wraps at least for the next few months. It's gonna look awesome though... :)

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 From:  PaQ
2359.13 In reply to 2359.12 
Dreaming for a T-Spline for MoI version, even if the plugin cost twice MoI's price, I'll pay for it, even in beta stage.

(t-spline home has been hacked :'( )
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2359.14 In reply to 2359.13 
@PaQ: çà me rappelle le site PushPulbar1, tout était parti en fumée! :(

Someone don't like 3D :(
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  kevjon
>Dreaming for a T-Spline for MoI version, even if the plugin cost twice MoI's price, I'll pay for it, even in beta stage.

Yep, me too. For the type of work I want to do (aviation subjects) it would be the perfect solution and being able to combine that with the easy to use MoI is my dream modelling software.
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 From:  jbshorty
Tsplines website is fixed. Order is restored to the universe once again...
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Michael ,Jonah , end Friends ;
today I have sent to the tspline forum this work ;
end so it is like imported in Moi one tspline surface-
Sorry for my English
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 From:  kevjon
That looks really cool speedy.
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 From:  Fredrik (FREDRIKW)
2359.19 In reply to 2359.17 
lovely pictures!

and a really good example of t-splines :)

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 From:  PaQ
Just wondering, because of the parenting link between MoI and Rhino, is it really a lot of work to build a Tspline for MoI version ?
I have no idea the amount of work required to do a MoI flavour of this technology.
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