Rendering with Carrara

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
There are several far better renderers, and far better Carrara renderers, on this forum than me.

However, as I really am with nothing better to do than be enjoying new challenges, and have a history with Still Imagery in Carrara going back to V2.1 (Now 7), I can be of some help probably.

Quite happy to develop a direct "Help Me" e-mail connection if of value to anyone.

PM me.

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 From:  BurrMan
2357.2 In reply to 2357.1 
An old Ray Dream User myself. I could always render fairly well, but you have to admit, Danny's Kodak is something else to aspire to!
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.3 In reply to 2357.2 
Yes! Oh! boy! Whacco stuff.--BEFORE he got to the rendering as well!
(Very upset that I am nowhere near that good!)

Attached a bit of cube fun in the past---

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 From:  zealgreen123
2357.4 In reply to 2357.3 
oh my god. i do not like the style.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.5 In reply to 2357.4 
?---no "style" is involved in those samples.

Just showing a very few of the potentials for different render settings/effects on a single plain shape.

Can have morphing kaliedescope effects, different on each face, ----etc--morphing visibility

and, and------pretty well all the results as are capable with 3D Max, LightWave, XSI etc.\

The attached shows, just part, of some Metals I have collected, saved, made.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.6 In reply to 2357.5

These two Gallery sites may be of interest to some .
Taking the time to go through them can add a good background to ideas for shaders.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.7 In reply to 2357.6 
Attached is an image which, in theory, could have had all the major modelling done in MoI and then taken into the likes of Carrrara for additional stuff and adding shaders/rendering.

Hope it helps stimulate ideas on how to use MoI.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.8 In reply to 2357.7

And, just think of all the basic MoI modelling that could have been involved in these entries-----------------------------IF they only knew the benefits of MoI!

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.9 In reply to 2357.8 
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 From:  okapi
2357.10 In reply to 2357.7 
Well yes, but this could have been done with many other apps.....
And my guess would be that this is pure 2d, painter or pshop. No offense but I fail to understand what you are getting at..?
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.11 In reply to 2357.10 
If you were really involved with 3D texturing/ rendering perhaps a different understanding?---as a long term Photoshop (Now CS3 Extended) user-------I am talking about KPT stuff on 3D drugs!

And, it's not that other apps can not do these things---more that the range of things cost/value/ease of using/learning etc is good with Carrara. (I have Lightwave/XSI etc)

Texturing in 2D compared with 3D-------chalk and cheese.

What 2d paint programme can apply real, 3D, displacement with ease?


(It's all a great learning curve----whacco stuff!)
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 From:  okapi
2357.12 In reply to 2357.11 
To be clear, I was referring to the image you posted, which seemed to me to be mainly a 2d illustration (painter?).
A nice one too.

Edit: and off topic, I have looked at the thread on CG talk describing this piece; very good combination of 3d and illustration skills.

As for your last post, please don't get pedantic, and don't assume anything about my knowledge with Texturing and Rendering...

EDITED: 27 Jan 2009 by OKAPI

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.13 In reply to 2357.12 

Sorry, we crossed wires. That image from CG I posted--"which, in theory, could have had all the major modelling done in MoI "

There are similar imagery created in both 2d and 3d in those contests.

I am a painter but for some odd reason I just can not get comfortable with "painting" in either Photoshop or Corell PainterIX

Nearly all my imagery nowadays starts with 3d modelling----should I say I start my art piece drawing/sketches with 3d modelling?

Brian(pedantic is my middle name!)
ps Is the attached a "painting" or a 100% completely 3D app created image?

EDITED: 27 Jan 2009 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2357.14 In reply to 2357.13 
Being housebound and having an official "carer"---obviously you will all say! (my poor, poor wife!)---
but the computer and 3D have given me a huge "ain't life grand" boost.

Do I try to oversell the MoI/Carrara potentials?

It's so much fun!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Country-style! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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