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 From:  jbshorty
The potential of GH is really awesome. I've used it to build a few parametric objects that went to production already. Only problem were fillets had to be added post-GH... How did you define the initial trimmed surface? Did you share this ghx file on the GH discussion forum? I'm curious to see how you did it...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
seems very quiet forme :)
With the same concept the primitive form can be with numerous branches and forms
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  renklint
2352.30 In reply to 2352.28 
Hi Jonah,

the MoI/Grasshopper combo is really great. During this last months a feel I've learned a lot about modelling from both.

Used the technique that Manz showed together with the info in the pdf that Yannada provided. Actually I cut Manz curves in half, so it's one curve, mirrored and rotated. And then used them for a one rail sweep. Then it's just a matter of mirroring and rotating. I do plan to show it to the GH forum once I've come a little further.

Would be very interesting to know more about your GH projects, I'll send you a pm in the GH forum tomorrow.

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 From:  jbshorty
2352.31 In reply to 2352.30 
Thanks Lars! That's very nice of you. Actually I'd posted some interesting utilities which were made in early versions of GH (.wrm files). They should still work in the current GH versions. But if you open them, you will see I had to use many workarounds for nodes which were not available then. Now it's much easier! Anyway, my favorite utilities I made so far were:

**Bounding Box Analyzer - you can input as many Rhino objects as you like, then use sliders to flip among the inputs and see the measurements displayed on screen. Options for box display as bounding box, ghosted, or none... Now it's somewhat obsolete because of the BoxEdit plugin. But i still like the function of my GH version... :)

**Isocurve length analyzer - use sliders to measure isocurve length along any face of a polysurface. You could either use the surface isoparms, or slide to any point in between. Also you could adjust the thickness of curve display (by adjusting the radius of piped curve)...

**Live Sectioning - gives real time cross section display of any polysurface, with slider controls to move the clipping plane and also spin the plane along any axis. Also can flip direction, and can display either intersection curve, intersection plane, or cutaway solids...

**Snapping slider - creates an adjustable "snapping point" for a slider, and has adjustment for the snap tolerance...

I think i posted all those to the GH forum, but since then I'd made better versions which were not posted. I don't want to post them publicly because they're not well tested under different situations. But let me know if you want to play with them, I could PM them to you... I would like to rebuild the definitions for isocurve and for sectioning when I have time, because now they can be much improved with the scripting nodes involved. But I think maybe it's better just to learn programming and make proper tools as they would be much more efficient anyway!

I am jbarnett on the GH group... Thanks!

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 From:  renklint
2352.32 In reply to 2352.31 
Hi Jonah,

have only used GH since november, so it'll be a while before I understand what all those utilities could be used for. Though the "slider snapper" sounds very interesting, and I'd love to test it. I'll send you the .ghx tonight when I get home.

Actually, what I was thinking of was those projects you did in GH that was sent for production. Most of the things you see in the forum and on blogs are experiments, tutorials and studys. Would be nice to see what it all can lead to.

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 From:  jbshorty
2352.33 In reply to 2352.32 
Just like other people, I can only show my tests. Those products were not in the market yet, only in development. Sorry about that! But they are pretty simple designs of furniture hardware, like what you might design using typical MCAD. Not very interesting froma design point of view. They also started as an experiment to learn GH, but produced something useful!

Here is the snapping slider. I hope you find some good uses for it, and if you find any way to improve it then please share with me in return! Thanks... :)


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