> Is this a problem with my settings, or is it a bug that has to be fixed?
It's a bug - it is something that I'm actually working on fixing today.
This bug can happen with polygons that are pretty small in size - specifically when they are around the 0.001 unit tolerance level.
Until I release the next version with the fix in it, the easiest way to solve it is to scale your model up in size somewhat, like by a factor of 10 - that will increase the size of those polygons and when they are larger than 0.001 units in size that bug will not be triggered.
To scale your objects, select it and run Transform/Scale, then type 0 [enter] to pick 0,0,0 as the origin point for the scale, then type in 10 [enter] to set a scale factor of 10 times.
If that doesn't solve the problem then maybe you are running into a different bug than the one that I'm working on - if that is the case can you please post your model or e-mail it to me at moi@moi3d.com so I can check it out?
- Michael