Dimensions and text

 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...

I know that dimensions and text are not high priority yet but I am currently doing a bunch of construction drawings for publication and while it is great to model them in MoI I sure wish I could complete the annotations in the same program.

Will that be possible later in V2 or will it have to wait for V3 or later?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2298.2 In reply to 2298.1 
Hi Eric, it's hard to say for sure but currently I would think that it is not looking too likely for these to get in for v2. Probably it will take a couple of months to get the object organization tools completed and then probably not a whole lot of new stuff after that for v2.

Probably more likely for those to happen in 4-5 months from now in v3 beta.

But is there one certain kind of dimension entity that you use most often? Like almost all linear dimensions, etc... ?

Also there are a few issues to kind of work out before hand, like do you want dimension text to be sort of oriented in 3D:

Or always displayed flat facing you:

Probably the "always facing you" one is easier for me to make, but it would be good for me to know if there is a major preference for one or the other methods.

- Michael

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2298.3 In reply to 2298.2 
Hi Michael

Well, if I had to choose I would pick always facing me but what would happen in top and side views ? and if the 3d view was rotated ? ... I would also wish for text with leaders. I see that there are some issues ... not really resolved in Rhino, either.

I suspect that for the immediate needs I have I will have to send a rendered drawing into Photoshop or Adobe and then do the labeling.

Thanks for giving it some thought for the future of MoI.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2298.4 In reply to 2298.3 
Hi Eric,

> Well, if I had to choose I would pick always facing me

I have been kind of hoping to do it that way, it kind of tends to be easier to make text be a 2D label instead of trying to orient it as a 3D object.

But the kind of "classic" AutoCAD style dimensions have the text as kind of stick-line letters and they are oriented in 3D if I remember right.

Then the other question is text size under zooming - is it important for the dimension text to stay fixed in "model units" and change size on the screen when you zoom in or zoom out, or is it ok if they always stay fixed at something like a 12pt font size on the screen?

> but what would happen in top and side views ?

Well, those are actually probably a bit easier since the entire view is naturally facing you directly as well.

But maybe you are referring to something in particular here?

> and if the 3d view was rotated ?

See SketchUp for a demo of what this looks like with "always facing you" text - it basically the center point of the text moves around but it stays the same size...

Is it mainly a linear dimension and text with a leader that would be the 2 main types of things that you would use out of any dimensioning tools? Or is there another kind of dimension that you need a lot as well, like "aligned", "radial", etc...

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)

I also do a lot of dimensioning those days and I hope to see such tool in Moi.
It would make things much easier, less file exporting/importing.

A 2d flattening tool is also something I would love to see!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
This "text dimension" is only for infos or also for printing?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2298.7 In reply to 2298.5 
Hi Marc, do you have any preference on the kind of dimension text style as shown above, between the "always facing you" type method or the "text oriented in 3D" method?

Or do you care more about dimension only in the 2D view rather than in the 3D view?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2298.8 In reply to 2298.6 
Hi Pilou,

> This text dimension is only for info or also for printing?

I think it is often used for both of those purposes.

But I was thinking of initially focusing more on kind of basic labeling and communication for this in MoI at first, when I get a chance to work on it.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2298.9 In reply to 2298.7 
Hi Michael, for dimensioning in 3d I prefer the "always facing" method with text size independent of zooming factor.

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