Fillet mechanism
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 From:  BurrMan
This may have been discussed, but I dont know what its called to check.

The ability to change the "Center" of the fillet between the 2 surfaces. The fillet being more on one surface than the other. Is this called variable also? I interpret variable as being able to have a fillet go from 1 to 4 inches or something. Anyway, saw it in a video and was wondering if it would come to MoI.

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 From:  Anis
2259.2 In reply to 2259.1 
Hi Burr....

Do you mean variable fillet ?
Post an image will make this more clear...
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 From:  BurrMan
2259.3 In reply to 2259.2 
I dont really have an image. I think I was watching an NX or Solidwroks Video where they made a fillet, on say a 90 degree floor and wall, then grabed the edge on the wall and moved it up, so more of the fillet was on the wall than the floor. Make sense.

I'll make a line drawing and post the diff.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2259.4 In reply to 2259.1 
Hi Burr,

Yeah variable radius means the fillet changes from one radius to another as it travels along the length of the fillet.

Like here is an example of a variable radius fillet between 2 planes, it starts at a large radius and then changes into a smaller radius:

I'm not really familiar with a style that moves the center of the fillet though, so I'm not sure what that is called. Do you have a link to the video?

I guess it must be something other than a circular arc fillet, because you can't really move the center of an arc and still have it tangent to the surfaces...

- Michael

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 From:  manz
2259.5 In reply to 2259.1 
Are you thinking of an elliptical fillet?

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  BurrMan
2259.6 In reply to 2259.5 
THis was it manz. I dont remember if it was NX or SW but a video showed that you could grag the "Edge" of the fillet and drag it up or down. Even if not interActive, the abilty to set the fillet offset would be way cool in some areas.

I'll try to produce a link in a bit...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2259.7 In reply to 2259.6 
Hi Burr - the geometry library that I'm using has built-in methods for fillets using a blend curve cross-section, a circular arc cross-section, or a line cross-section like a chamfer.

There is nothing currently in the library for doing an ellipse cross-section.

There is a framework in place for plugging together different fillet generators, so theoretically it is possible to write a custom cross-section generator and then add it in to the mix, but it is probably not going to be feasible for me to try that anytime very soon though.

It would also probably be fairly difficult to control it in the UI.

If you can show the link for it, that would probably help to clarify how it is working, but it is probably pretty unlikely to be coming to MoI anytime soon though.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2259.8 In reply to 2259.7 
I went looking for the video that I refer to that I watched maybe 6 months ago. I'm pretty sure it was SolidWorks though No need to trudge through ALL the videos to find the one area I was thinking of. Actually with the short revisit, I may have been mistaken in that it could have just been an "Interactive" fillet move that mesmorized me at the time. I'm thinking your blend function is fantastic and probably takes care of what I thought I was thinking.

Thats what I get for doing my own thinking again!
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2259.9 In reply to 2259.8 
I feel sure I saw it on this forum where you could do it with MoI!

Is age getting to you--as well!!!!!

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 From:  BurrMan
2259.10 In reply to 2259.8 
I was thinking about when the area limits the fillet that I would like to get curvature on like here.

The left edge would stop your fillet size, But the if you could slide it up then you could get the curvature you wanted.

You already answered, There are also other mechanisms to acheive this surface.

I was just asking as latley I have been filleting models that other packages fail and was hoping for MoI's ability.

Thanks again,

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
2259.11 In reply to 2259.9 
Constantly distracted with the little ones, but it was a SW Video and I figured I was even wrong in what I remembered! Even they dont do that.

Oh well :o
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2259.12 In reply to 2259.11 
Hi Burr, it would still be interesting to see the video if you can find it...

Maybe what you are talking about there would be done better by a kind of blend curve with different bulging amounts on each side of the blend... MoI does not have a control for doing different bulges on each side, but I think that Rhino's Blend command does.

I'm not really sure that an actual Ellipse fillet is very feasible.

If you have 2 surfaces that are planes that meet each other at a 90 degree angle, then there is a pretty straightforward solution, like this:

However, it is not guaranteed that all surfaces in a model will meet at 90 degrees to one another! :) (if it was then it would be a lot easier to do these calculations though!)

With a different angle than 90 degrees, I guess it would have to do something like this:

But that is not really a symmetrical result - the minor axis of the ellipse has been nailed down to just one side and the other side is getting a point somewhere interior to the ellipse but not on the other ellipse axis. So I guess it would have to kind of "favor" one side of the blend as the one to stick the ellipse axis onto... Kind of an awkward situation to try and control or specify with UI it seems.

- Michael

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 From:  Anis
2259.13 In reply to 2259.12 
Hi Burr, how about this video :

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 From:  BurrMan
2259.14 In reply to 2259.13 
Hello Anis,
It certainly has powerful fillet tools, though thats not what I was thinking of. Actually I think I found it and it is NOT what I was trying to explain.

There is a menu link regarding fillets.

For some reason, I remembered them grabbing only ONE EDGE of the fillet and moving it up the wall, though this video only shows interactive fillet sizing. Not my original question!

Actually though, In anis's video, towards the end you can see something with the solidworks filleter that maybe you could look at in that it will complete a fillet through an area smaller than the radius of the fillet!

I had seen this in another forum and thought about MoI.

Thanks for the time again,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2259.15 In reply to 2259.14 
Hi Burr, - yeah those are some really cool results!

I wish it would be easy to add that into MoI as well.

Unfortunately it is a very difficult area to work on. SolidWorks for example uses a geometry library that is expensive and has a whole team of people that have focused many years or even decades worth of work in making that filleting engine.

I guess it would be possible for me to license that same engine and incorporate it into MoI, but it would require raising the price of MoI probably by several thousand dollars to fit within that library's expensive licensing system. So that would be a pretty big leap!

Basically, I am pretty dependent on the filleting code that is provided by the geometry library that I use - currently I'm not really planning much on doing a bunch of custom fillet engine work myself, it is just too time consuming unfortunately. However, there are still some areas in this current library that I have not made full use of yet such as variable radius fillets.

So there will be at least some more fillet-related stuff coming in the future, but it is unlikely that MoI will suddenly become on a par with SolidWorks for filleting anytime in the foreseeable future.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2259.16 In reply to 2259.15 
MoI have some limitation in fillet, yes its correct. But we can use another method to get similar result. N-patch, improvement in surafce modeling area and 2D drawing is important feature for me. I have use solidworks for more than 4 years. Today I have moi and I like it. Intuitive workflow, easy and of course affordable. I wish you keep moi as software for everyone at affordable price :).

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
2259.17 In reply to 2259.15 
"...there are still some areas in this current library that I have not made full use of yet such as variable radius fillets.''

I'd love to see variable radius fillets implemented.

I've had several situations where my geometry goes to a point (or tapers to a very small radius) and fillet fails. Or the largest fillet possible is too small to be seen in my render.

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+1 for radius fillets implementation.

also this one (thought fits description above)

>I guess it would be possible for me to license that same engine and incorporate it into MoI, but it would require raising the price of MoI probably by several thousand dollars to fit within that library's expensive licensing system. So that would be a pretty big leap!

I have thought of that already, IMAGINE if Michael could put his hands on PARASOLID engine, hmm MoI with synchronous technology. "MAGIC"
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 From:  Anis
2259.19 In reply to 2259.18 
Hi Yannada,

you need not only parasolid but also d-cubed. The price will be $$$$ :(
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 From:  BurrMan
2259.20 In reply to 2259.18 
Hi Yannada,
Also nice but more like "Patch" work. I think what I originally was talking about doesnt exist and really doesnt make sense now when I think about it. If you look at the solidworks video I posted a link to (The fillet link) you'll see the surface manipulated and the fillet change in real time....But what I thought I remembered was them grabbing just the top edge and dragging it up the wall, with the lower edge staying in its original position. I havnt found this and also think I must have "dreamt" it later that night!

For now the MoI filleter "STILL" produces fillets for me that others fail at, I was just poking around on Michael for what may be....

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