Layers/Locking objects/object colouring/Hierarchies
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 From:  manz
2257.3 In reply to 2257.1 
Hi Jay,

Welcome to MoI forums.

Michael is currently working on layering etc (layering should be seen as grouping or how Michael wants).

You have a license to use MoI so why not download the V2 beta to see the progression and to give feedback.

Regards, have fun with MoI,

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2257.4 In reply to 2257.1 
Hi Jay, thanks very much for your order!

Probably your #2 - RIB export won't be part of v2, but I do expect that your other items will be.

There has been some previous discussion on scene management type stuff in these threads:

These particular areas are still in progress and have not been fully implemented in a v2 beta release quite yet. But there have been a lot of other things added in to v2 so far. There are notes on the new stuff that is done for v2 so far here:
and for the latest beta here:

- Michael
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 From:  Jay (BINARYX)
2257.5 In reply to 2257.4 
Thanks for the response everybody. I should've have looked for the other entries but instead I just started typing as the ideas occurred to me :(

There lots of ways to do the layering approach and the suggestions people have made are really good. I guess the ideal approach would be unobtrusive and yet give the ability to browse the scene, select elements, group elements, ungroup them, assign basic materials, rename, lock/unlock to prevent accidental editing.

As I said before, this is great software and very easy to use with my tablet.

And V2.0 looks really stable so far - the CPlane is really very useful.
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