bah im by far from one of the best on here mate (honored you would thing so )
hmm tut you say well i still have loads to learn in moi myself but here are a couple of vids i made to help show a mate some of how i use moi
Hi Frenchy, I have tried Jing but didn't like the 5 minute limitation. The ones you have been showing what program is that and what is the limitations? Your work is great and like the way you model your Models. Take care.
btw i like uploading to vimeo as it gives nice playback and the only limitation is that you only have 500mb each week and some of these are 260mb each. so i am trying to work faster to keep the file size down so i can show more in a week :)
more to follow:)
maybe i should make a new thread to contain these videos. good idea????
yes but from what i am aware if you want to watch long videos you have to install the player and not everyone likes to install stuff to see stuff, if you get what i mean