Hi Thorston, thanks for your interest in MoI!
Currently there is not a "license server" check-in/check-out type floating license thing for MoI.
I looked into doing that, but it is a fairly complex thing, with different configuration stuff being needed depending on your network setup, firewalls, etc... I determined that currently I just do not have the resources available to handle the additional support burden that would come along with that.
Also currently with MoI's price being so low (US $195), that tends to make it easier for each person to have an individual license, rather than a floating license system.
However, it is possible to run MoI from a USB key - you just copy the installation folder over to the USB key and also copy the license file and you can then plug in the key and you can actually run MoI directly from the USB key that way.
You could make 1 USB key per license and hand those out to people who wanted to use it, that would be sort of like a physical floating license thing... Would that possibly work for what you had in mind?
- Michael