MoIV2 Beta Nov-21-2008 Questions
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 From:  BurrMan
2168.70 In reply to 2168.68 
All the file copying and saving and moving is confusing for Brian. I tried to make it easy but fear I just made it worse.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.71 In reply to 2168.70 
I am somewhat confused at the .66 post. Sorry.

Your original downloads for this current beta did not install. I have been in the "wait for V2 final" mode you suggested.
NOT a Brian thing--as I said,---- (will I be alive for V2?!!!!)

I will double check/install from that current post.

That particular cut/past principle you suggest is not a mode of thinking that I have ever experienced before (remembered!!!!).
I am trying to open the thought that, potentially, the major customers of apps , the mid/lower user level, are not conversant with all this--rigmarole!

Fingers crossed for Burrs's solution.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.72 In reply to 2168.71 
Hi Brian,

> I am somewhat confused at the .66 post. Sorry.

How about one step at a time:

1. Can you locate the MoI v1 folder in the regular Windows system file browser?

2. Can you locate the "commands" folder that is underneath it?

3. Can you locate the file Nudge.js that is inside that commands subfolder?

4. Try copying that Nudge.js file to the other \commands folder underneath your v2 installation folder.

After you follow those steps, does that make Nudge work for you on your version 2.0 beta, or do you still see a problem after that?

- Michael
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Message 2168.73 deleted 25 Nov 2008 by BURRMAN

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.74 In reply to 2168.71 

I have just reread/viewed that little video again.
Maybe my health has deteriorated hugely lately?

Part way through the vid I ask--why the hell does my mate have the need to go to all this trouble for me--then, further in to it, I ask WHY would he or I need to know all this bs in the first place?

Forget it all. (I am of no importance)

Thanks for the help mate.

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 From:  BurrMan
2168.75 In reply to 2168.74 
Seek above all for a game worth playing. Having found that game, play it with intensity. play it as though your life and sanity depend upon it! (They do!) Take the advice of the French existentialists and flourish a banner bearing the word "Engagment!".

For it must be clear, even to the most clouded intelligence, that ANY game is better than NO GAME AT ALL! (Quote from a book)

Love to have you around the forum my friend.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.76 In reply to 2168.75 

Now THAT put me in my place!
Great mate!

Ahhhh--but will it work?

(Mother came in whilst was typing this and asked why I was laughing and wiping the tears from my eyes!)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.77 In reply to 2168.76 
Hi Brian, are you still stuck?

To tell you the truth, I'm really surprised that you're having so much trouble with this - the whole thing is about copying a few files from one folder to another folder.... That's it...

I've seen you get a whole lot of productive work done on your computer - have you done all of that without knowing how to copy a file from one folder to another?

It's just surprising to me that you would get so far with other types of work but not be comfortable with some really basic and fundamental file management stuff.

Probably the absolutely most simple way to get it done is I could write a small program for you that would handle copying the files between those folders for you. Maybe that will solve this and we will be able to end this discussion then.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.78 In reply to 2168.76 
Hi Brian, I've attached a small program here: ScriptCopierForBrian.exe

If you download it and run it, it will copy any custom plugin scripts that you had installed in v1 into the current Nov-21 v2 beta.

That should work to make your keyboard shortcuts for all those plugins work in the current v2 beta after that.

This is the absolute most simple method that I can think of to make it work for you.

It is just basically a wrapper for copying a few files over from the v1 folder to the v2 folder. I'm still very surprised that you consider copying files from one folder to another to be such a difficult task. How did you get this far on the computer without picking that up? That is a mystery to me since you are doing quite well with all these 3D programs.

Anyway I hope that you will be all set up after this. If not then I guess I give up!!! :)

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

I know you're limited with ui real estate but is it possible in the new object properties panel that when you pick a surface or face to state what kind of surface it is e.g. planar, b-surface,revolved, extruded, etc?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.80 In reply to 2168.79 
Hi Danny, oops sorry I saw this earlier in another thread but forgot to reply!

> I know you're limited with ui real estate but is it possible
> in the new object properties panel that when you pick a
> surface or face to state what kind of surface it is e.g. planar,
> b-surface,revolved, extruded, etc?

It is a tight fit in that area, especially with some other controls coming later on like for style, ...

Then another problem is that some of that information is kind of an additional thing than what is already displayed.

Like a sphere is an example - it is a solid, but it is also a surface of revolution. So just one single short label would have to sort of choose which of those to say in that case.

You can also have a surface of revolution that is also planar as well, like if you take a line and revolve it into a disc type shape.

And there are actually a couple of different types of planar - there is planar because all the control points of a general surface are on the same plane, and then there is a "Plane primitive" which is a 4-point rectangular surface...

So I'm not really sure how to resolve some of those issues, or how to jam another label in there without taking up much space. Let me know if you have any ideas!

It certainly would be easy to list a larger amount of information on a secondary "details" dialog or something rather than trying to jam it into the top of the panel.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2168.81 In reply to 2168.80 
I like the details idea. Seems like what Danny is after are "code comments" or something that keeps track of whats been done with what. Not sure if he meant automated, but the details area could even have user definable fields.... a tree view that was infinatly expandable. I could make it as complicated as I want! Even type sentances!

You dont have to answer here as I think I already got an answer when I went on the "Zipped Archive" mind journey.

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2168.82 In reply to 2168.80 
Hi Michael,

>So I'm not really sure how to resolve some of those issues,
>or how to jam another label in there without taking up much space.
> Let me know if you have any ideas!

I'll have a think about it and I'll let you know if anything comes to mind.

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2168.83 In reply to 2168.80 
Hi Michael,

What about this, as you would click on 'unnamed' and that little input box pops up to name an object, you would click on the type of object name ie. Solid, face, curve
and an information pop up would appear like in the picture attached with further details of the object.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.84 In reply to 2168.83 
Hi Danny, yeah I think something like that will be possible and with a secondary pop-up UI similar to that I won't have to skimp on the details.

I was thinking of having a Details button that you could push to pull that up, you can see it in the concept UI from this earlier discussion thread:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.85 In reply to 2168.81 
Hi Burr, re: expansions / Zipped archive / ... - I do want to pursue a lot of this kind of easier expandability in the future.

But I think it won't be until MoI v3 until I am able to focus on it more, currently some more basic UI mechanisms for handling grouping, etc are taking priority instead of that.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2168.86 In reply to 2168.84 
Hi Michael,

>you can see it in the concept UI from this earlier discussion thread:

Ah yes, you did mention that, cool !

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