Tangent snap question

 From:  mushroomgod
Heres something I cannot do, is it even posible

I have 2 curves (light yellow) that I want to connect with a 3rd curve (light pink) that I have drawn - I snap the end points no problem but is there a way to contunue the curves shape so that the 3 curves looks totaly smooth.

Like maybe some kind of snap guide that is projected from the end points on the (light yellow) curve?

I suppose this is just like blending the shapes together, but I want to do it manualy with very curvy curves, not simple curves.

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 From:  Anis
2165.2 In reply to 2165.1 

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 From:  mushroomgod
2165.3 In reply to 2165.2 

I knew it, turns out I had "straight snap" turned off.!

But............ this works great when on the 1st point, is there a way of making the tangent work at both ends of the curve

Thanks though, its been driving me mad!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Another solution
I am not sure if I am clear :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  PaQ
2165.5 In reply to 2165.3 
Hi mushroomgod,

Have you tried to build help/guide lines ?

Just after selected the curve tool, you can drag 2 tangent guide/help line along the end curve, just by clicking (and stay clicking) and drag the mouse more less along the tangent direction ... the helper will show the tangant snaping info.

You can then draw the curve and use the guide line to snap the 2 last control points and keep tangency.

EDITED: 3 Feb 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2165.6 In reply to 2165.5 
@ PaQ :C'est bien ce que je pensais mon schéma n'était pas assez clair :D
M'enfin je vois qu'on est deux :D

EDITED: 20 Nov 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2165.7 In reply to 2165.1 
Hi mushroomgod - did this get solved for you now from the replies above?

Yeah - you'll need to use straight snap, which by itself handles the first tangent, then for the ending one as described above you'll need to set up a construction line (by holding down and dragging, also with straight snap still enabled) to set up a kind of snapping guide for placing the second-to-last point.

Let me know if this still isn't clear.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
2165.8 In reply to 2165.6 
@Pilou Entre mon anglais pourri et tes graphs de physicien je pense que le gars est entre de bonnes mains :P
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2165.9 In reply to 2165.8 

Between my physicist's graph and the PaQ abstract's drawing, Mushroomgod you will be lucky if you will find your solution! :)

In any case Helpers lines are always your friends!

EDITED: 20 Nov 2008 by PILOU

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