Work in progress, vehicle

 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
Hi all

Thought I would show some work in progress. modelled in moi rendered in hypershot. got a bit carried away rendering.
model could do with refining and detailing, proportions are a little odd at the moment. Good fun making it though, very quick in Moi. Cant wait for the object properties to be finished, will make life easier as the models get more complex.

will update it sometime, or maybe show something else entirely.
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 From:  Anis
2160.2 In reply to 2160.1 
I want to see the original moi model....
nice work Jamie.... ;)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2160.3 In reply to 2160.1 
Hi Jamie,

Cool concept! I also use HS for rendering, just wondering on how you achieved the motion blur on the wheels, if you don't mind.
And yes, the MoI screen dump would be nice to see.

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 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
Hi Danny, Anis

Attached a screen dump. the model and the curves. Was built very quickly which is a Moi specialty.

The wheel effect is a radial blur. select the wheel and use the radial blur filter (under blur in the filter menu in photoshop or adobe elements). Use blur method spin and thats it really.

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2160.5 In reply to 2160.4 
love the 3rd render on the top mate
nice clean model too
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