Anyone using VMware 2.0 (build 116369, the latest)?

 From:  nycL45
I was able to get Moi3D v1.x running with VMware v1.x some time ago but not with VMware 2.0, following phlatt5th's setup (

Once Moi3D v2 starts, under VMware 2.0, all four viewports have the same view name, either Right or Front. The viewport names change in pairs when the cursor passes over one of the top two viewports. Nothing works to correct it.

I would appreciate some help with this.



MacBook Pro, 2.16GHz, 2GB, Mac OS 10.4.11
VectorWorks2008 SP3 (Build 88670) Fundamentals/Architect/Renderworks
Cinema 4D v10.111, MOI3D (build 116369), VMware 2.0 (build 116369
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2143.2 In reply to 2143.1 
Hi Leonard, it sounds like something not going right with VMware's Direct3D emulation.

One thing you might try is adjusting the settings inside VMware for how much memory they allow for Direct3D to use.

If by default they only allow a small amount of memory, that could cause problems. Try moving the amount of memory available to Direct3D to something like 64MB or 128MB and that may possibly help.

Other than that it sounds like a problem was introduced in the Direct3D emulation code in VMware in the newer version. You may need to go back to the version that works, or run MoI using boot camp instead of VMware.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
2143.3 In reply to 2143.2 
Hi Michael,

Okay, I went back to VMware 2.0 again and it works! Why? I'm not sure but it could have been the VMware tools installation.

Thanks for the quick response.

I'm back in business.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2143.4 In reply to 2143.3 
Hi Leonard, that's great that you're up and running now!

I'm not quite sure if I follow what you said though - do you mean you went back to a slightly older version of VMware 2.0 instead of the very latest build of it?

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
2143.5 In reply to 2143.4 
Hi Michael, I have had VM2 installed for a time now and it has not worked. I need that workflow so, I decided to uninstall VM2 and go back to the last working VM version. That, however, gave me fits, too. That's when I emailed. Since I had already set up VM like your suggestions, I decided to try VM2 again and it worked this time.

BTW, do you know if Ash upgraded his ui kit for your beta 2? His early version issues error messages when folder icons, etc. are clicked.

Thanks for your help.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2143.6 In reply to 2143.5 
Hmmm, that's kind of strange... Anyway glad it is working for you now!

> BTW, do you know if Ash upgraded his ui kit for your beta 2?
> His early version issues error messages when folder icons,
> etc. are clicked.

No, I don't think so. It's not really a good thing to do UI customization while the beta is still going because each new beta can also have some new UI stuff so it is kind of a moving target.

It will work better to wait to apply any UI customizations for v2 after it has settled down and isn't changing.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
2143.7 In reply to 2143.6 
Regarding ui customization: that makes sense. Back to native beta2.

Thanks again.

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