bt mango

 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
ok another model and render all done in less than a day (today). not a single error on export (ie the mesh) got to love moi. loads of fun :)
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 From:  marcorhino

very nice max3d

what's rendering software ?

Marcorhino (Marco)
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.3 In reply to 2138.2 
its cinema 4ds AR3 and thanks
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.4 In reply to 2138.3 
I hope you dont mind me adding it to the gallery (if you do please remove it )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2138.5 In reply to 2138.4 
Hi Dave,

> I hope you dont mind me adding it to the gallery (if you do please remove it )

Of course not!

It is great to have it in there. Please feel free to add things into the gallery.

- Michael
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.6 In reply to 2138.5 
ok and thanks i will try not to upload every model i make though, but i felt that this showed how fast it is to model and get a project done (less than a day) from moi to c4d. good pr :) (only because i am really loving moi so far :))
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.7 In reply to 2138.6 
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.8 In reply to 2138.7 
and here is what it looks like in c4d
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.9 In reply to 2138.8 
and here is a quick render of it
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 From:  TwinSnakes
That looks really nice. What's the total project time?

P.S. - Nice texturing too!
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.11 In reply to 2138.10 
a couple of hours yesterday and 30 (ish) mins for the base station today. with about 30 to 40 mins making textures. so lets say 1 to 1.5 days max.
and thanks for liking it
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 From:  Grendel
Nice modeling and render but to be honest I think it's the ugliest designed phone I've ever seen. It just looks to "brickish" for the functionality you get with a seems like it should be thinner.
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.13 In reply to 2138.12 
lol someone here had to say they didnt like the deisgn, it has be refered to as a small brick, clunky plastic etc etc. but too be honest i like the design and my wife is starting to like it too (took a day for her to like it) so you aint alone
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2138.14 In reply to 2138.13 
Well, I didn't want to say anything about the design, the render and modeling is nice.
It's obvious your wife loves you dearly ;)

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.15 In reply to 2138.14 
lol she is liking it with every day that passes :)
here is another render of it (using fryrender) if it can be added to the gallery post i made earlier it would be nice :)
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 From:  WillBellJr
Being that it has a base, I'm assuming it's a house phone?

If so then yes, the design is fine - nice in fact. Most wireless house phones are rather large - the fact you can hide the number pad makes it smaller than most!

For a cell, way too large of course.

Whatever the purpose, great model and render!

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2138.17 In reply to 2138.16 
yup its a house phone (basically the same size as a packet (20) ciggys) and thanks for liking the modeling and render
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