My new modeler... ;)

 From:  Miseka (MIGUEL)
Hi all, moi user... and Michael, congrats for you great work with this modeler... ! Its fantastic !

I saw this modeler in the forum of Eias, and i test the tools... well i now i have modeler anythings, from begining for i learn this modeler.

I post here my work...

Thk and comments are welcome.

PD. Michael, i have decided my gift for King´s Day, here in Spain.

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 From:  steve (STEEVE)
2118.2 In reply to 2118.1 
Good start Miguel. Now you know, once you start with MoI, you can't go back:)

Happy King's Day!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2118.3 In reply to 2118.1 
Thanks Miguel, I'm glad that you like MoI!

It looks like you are off to a great start, please continue to post your work!

- Michael
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 From:  Miseka (MIGUEL)
2118.4 In reply to 2118.3 
Hi, here i post any pics... !

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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
2118.5 In reply to 2118.4 
Hi Miguel:

Nice model. By the way, I´m spanish too ;-)
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 From:  Miseka (MIGUEL)
2118.6 In reply to 2118.5 
More pics ;)
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