xyz coords
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
A while back, I asked if the coords were ever going to read Z as the cursor passed over a surface. So what do you know, with the 'On Srf' snap, it now does. Nice job! However, you have to start up a function to get it to read Z (or actually, it's the On Srf snap thats doing it). My question is... is the regular cursor, with no function loaded, ever going to show the Z? It would be great of course, but not a deal breaker. ;-)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2064.2 In reply to 2064.1 
Hi Nick, the OnSrf snap kicks in as part of the processing that the point picker calculates.

Unfortunately I don't currently have a way set up to make the same thing happen outside of a point picker running - when you are outside of a command just a simple ray intersection with the construction plane grid is what is shown instead there.

Things are just not really set up to display the point picker calculation results when not running a point picker...

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
2064.3 In reply to 2064.2 
Understood. It's not so bad to start a function to get it, anyway.

Like I said... NICE!

:-) Nick
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 From:  Anis
2064.4 In reply to 2064.3 

How to set xyz in moi like image below :


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2064.5 In reply to 2064.4 
menu Options (Bottom Barre) / View / 3D View projection...+ (3d View angle) ?
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 From:  Anis
2064.6 In reply to 2064.5 

below is more detail :

On the right is TOP VIEW axis orientation in MoI.

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2064.7 In reply to 2064.6 
actually this actually confused me the other day too as every 3d app i have and have used has the Z axis going backwards into space (viewport) not upwards as we currently have it. so i would also like to be able to make it the same as my other apps please
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 From:  manz
2064.8 In reply to 2064.7 
>>as every 3d app i have and have used has the Z axis going backwards into space (viewport) not upwards

You cannot change the axis in MoI version 1, but you can in the current beta:-

Options~ view~ Axis labels:-

Changing them to:-

will result in:-

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2064.9 In reply to 2064.8 
thank you kindly :)
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 From:  Anis
2064.10 In reply to 2064.8 
Hi Steve....

Thanks for the clear explanation :)
I have the latest beta.

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2064.11 In reply to 2064.10 
this is why i didnt know that setting was there in the beta :/
you can see the little lines next to 3D view angles well if i click that i get to change the xyz . so ive now changed the z and y \0/ thanks steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2064.12 In reply to 2064.11 
Hi Dave, something seems to be wrong with your installation there, that is definitely not what the Options dialog is supposed to look like.

It almost looks like you may have an older version of the UI strings there...

You might want to uninstall, delete that MoI folder, and then re-install to see if you get fixed up.

Also by any chance have you installed the IE8 beta on your system? That can potentially mess things up as well.

- Michael
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2064.13 In reply to 2064.12 
no IE on that workstation. i shall remove the folder and try again later and see if it fixes it
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 From:  Anis
2064.14 In reply to 2064.13 

I have setting my moi3d xzy orietation same as orientation in swx. But when i open a 3dm from moi to swx the orientation is not same. Is this normal and how to solve it ?

Look image below :

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2064.15 In reply to 2064.14 
Hi Anis,

> I have setting my moi3d xzy orietation same as orientation in swx.
> But when i open a 3dm from moi to swx the orientation is not
> same. Is this normal and how to solve it ?

In MoI changing the axis labels only changes some of the UI - it doesn't actually change any of the data that is written to a file for example. That's normally good because most files formats follow their own particular convention about which directions correspond to x, y, and z.

In 3DM files it is the convention that the Top view is of x/y and z is elevation. That has always been the standard orientation of Rhino and for 3DM.

It looks like SolidWorks in their 3DM importer has decided to preserve the coordinate values, instead of preserving the orientation. Really they should be rotating the data when they import it to preserve the orientation of the data as it was originally defined in the 3DM file, that is with x/y being the Top.

That looks like something that they should fix up in their 3DM importer. Have you checked to see if there are any options that you could enable in their importer to adjust that?

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2064.16 In reply to 2064.15 
Hi Michael...

No, there is no option to set the xyz orientation when import 3dm in swx. I can change it manually, but yes need more steps.

Thanks for your explanation.... ;)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2064.17 In reply to 2064.16 
Hi Anis, also you should have been seeing the exact same issue previously before ever setting the x,y,z axis labels in MoI, is that correct?

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2064.18 In reply to 2064.17 
Hi Michael,

>>also you should have been seeing the exact same issue previously before ever setting the x,y,z axis labels in MoI,

May I ask as to the reason for you placing the option to change the axis in MoI when the output reverts back to a global setting?

Personally it is not something I need to use, but see little point of changing the axis if the output simply stays to a default global setting.

You mention about applications giving the ability to flip/change axis on import, does that mean you will be adding such ability to the import of step/sat/iges files from application that do not use the same orientation as MoI?

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2064.19 In reply to 2064.18 
Hi Steve, it is an interface-level customization thing, it's for people who are used to looking at coordinates and entering numbers while they are modeling.

It allows them to do all those modeling-time operations in the coordinate system of their choice, they basically don't have to try and re-learn which direction is "z" when they type in a point.

But it keeps compatability totally present by not changing how things are actually stored in files.

Each different kind of file format has a different convention for how things are oriented and MoI already does the necessary conversions into those different systems at export time.

If I changed the actual stored data when you changed the labels, it would break all those exports with a kind of "double transform" happening and it would cause all kinds of orientation problems with the exported data.

> You mention about applications giving the ability to flip/change
> axis on import, does that mean you will be adding such ability
> to the import of step/sat/iges files from application that do not
> use the same orientation as MoI?

Sure, if that is an actual problem that people are encountering.

But for example I can't remember ever seeing an IGES part that was not oriented with Z-Up, I'm not quite sure if it is absolutely specified to be that in the IGES spec but it is certainly the standard convention.

I've got some IGES parts from SolidWorks before and they seem to remap their coordinates to fit the standard convention there during their export.

Similarly they should pay attention to the standard convention of the 3DM coordinate system when they read 3DM data.

If I started exporting 3DM files with the actual data in it having the x,y,z axes in different directions than normal, it would come in as the wrong orientation in all the other 3DM importers out there that do properly follow the standard convention.

Except for in this one specific case, it would be a big transfer disaster to actually change the stored data when you changed your axis labels.

It is totally fine if another program wants to use a different coordinate system during their run-time, they just have to remap the data from the file's standard orientation to their own.

- Michael


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 From:  manz
2064.20 In reply to 2064.19 
Hi Michael,

>But for example I can't remember ever seeing an IGES part that was not oriented with Z-Up, I'm not quite sure if it is absolutely specified >to be that in the IGES spec but it is certainly the standard convention.
>I've got some IGES parts from SolidWorks before and they seem to remap their coordinates to fit the standard convention there during their >export.

There is no re-mapping on export of iges from solidworks, it is just a case that in SW Y is up, Z if forward, the output is simply xyz co-ordinates, so when imported into MoI then Z is up.

>Similarly they should pay attention to the standard convention of the 3DM coordinate system when they read 3DM data

SW reads the data and places the object according to its XYZ coordinates, it is just a case that Z if forward and the top plane is X/Z.

- Steve
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