Hi Lain, sorry but no that is not really possible to just turn any model constructed by normal means in MoI into a single sculpt map.
The problem is that sculpt maps are really rather limited objects, they can only represent an object that is a rectangular sheet.
The sheet can be stretched and deformed, but it still has to have a kind of rectangular grid layout to it.
The sunburst model is a good example of something that is very hard to represent as just one single 4-sided deformed sheet.
The normal process in MoI is not to build one single sheet to construct objects, but instead to build it out of many pieces, including using boolean operations to cut and combine pieces together.
The sculpt map just does not work in this same way - if you want to export a sculpt map from MoI you cannot use things like boolean operations, you have to work within the limits that the sculpt map mechanism imposes which mostly means working on commands that construct single surfaces such as revolve, loft, sweep, (and also control point deformation of those surfaces) and not using operations which will create multiple surface assemblies such as booleans, especially since these operations create
trimmed surfaces and not just simple untrimmed surfaces. There is no way in a sculpt map to represent trimming information.
There is some discussion of this on the 3dm2sculpt page here:
It would be rather easier if you could use a more general purpose polygon mesh object inside of Second Life, instead of the more limited sculpt map object. But that is up to the programmers of Second Life to add that, currently you have to work within the limitations that are inherent within sculpt maps while you are modeling inside of MoI and stay away from operations such as booleans that do not stay within those limitations.
Sorry I didn't really follow your original question - but basically you cannot use many of the normal construction techniques that MoI provides if you want to export sculpt maps.
- Michael