modeling forum

 From:  Jason (JCLARK)

After discussing with Michael, I'm posting here to invite you all to visit and join a new 3D modeling community site. Having experience with another modeling forum I saw there was a division between the sects of modeling and I want to bridge those gaps since so many techniques and applications can learn and be utilized in different genres. is a modeling community resource where we want to focus on modeling be it for NURBS, sculpting or polygon modeling. Even if you're a designer using strictly MOI3D we want to see those models and techniques being shared.

I myself have mixed NURBS and poly apps with my product design role and this synergy is what I would like to see develop within NurbsAndPolys. I see a lot of great modeling here and it is inspirational.

My regards to Michael and MOI group,
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
1966.2 In reply to 1966.1 

There is a movement within the Blender community to bring better NURBS support to Blender. I am really hoping that it happens soon so that I can model in MOI and then import the 3DM directly into Blender for rendering. That will be the day.

I'm sure that they would love to participate in that forum.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1966.3 In reply to 1966.2 
Your site will not accept my regular, normal, 6 letter password!

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 From:  manz
1966.4 In reply to 1966.1 
I was going to join, but the first thing I was asked was for was my date of birth. so I did not go further.
If there is an age limit, then there should just be a tick box to confirm you are old enough.

I dont join forums or get demo software if the site asks for too much info, (I certainly dont enter my data of birth) to me it is just data gathering.
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 From:  WillBellJr
1966.5 In reply to 1966.4 
What I typically do for that is just enter Jan 1st and the year (or year +/- 1) of my birth if I don't want to divulge that information...

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 From:  Jason (JCLARK)
I'll look into the password thing, odd that 6 char wouldn't go.

Regarding birthday, it's part of the COPPA and spam filter system which is trying to see if a human is entering the information. I'll see if there is a age limit query instead that can go along with the human verification.
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 From:  Jason (JCLARK)
1966.7 In reply to 1966.5 
I am going to have to suggest this, since I can't see an option without custom code. We are trying to comply with the 13 year age limit legislation. We do not information harvest, or sell or release members' information.
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