Group/Ungroup and Variable Fillets

 From:  Ray (WAGGONER)
As a former dedicated Rhino user I find MOI a joy to use and a welcome release from Rhino's endless pull-down menus and sub-sub menues.
Clearly Michael's aim to create a 3D modeling application for non-technical artists, designers is taking shape beautifully.
With a whole two weeks use I have already tripled my workflow and rekindled much of my lost creativity with only the odd program crash to mutter about.

Having learned so much from this superb forum already I have only two questions for the advanced users amongst you:

1. Is there a work around for the Group/Ungroup function as it is really frustrating trying to manipulate multiple elements (image attached) - and can a script be written for it?

2. Is it possible to create variable width fillets?

Thank you again Michael.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1955.2 In reply to 1955.1 
Hi Ray, thanks for the feedback and I'm glad that you are enjoying MoI's UI!

re: odd program crash - I'd certainly like to fix those up, when MoI crashes it is supposed to write a crash report file named,, etc... - can you please look in MoI's folder inside of Program Files to see if there are any crash reports like that in there? If so, then if you could please e-mail those to me at it might help me fix whatever was going wrong there.

re: #1 group/ungroup - this isn't really something that can be addressed by a script, but it is an area that I will be focusing on soon for version 2.0 .

re: #2 - variable width fillets - no sorry currently MoI does not have a variable radius filleting function. It is also something that I do want to add in though, I am not quite sure on the time frame it probably won't happen until sometime after the grouping type stuff is complete though.

You mention that you have Rhino - just a note - it is possible to use Copy and Paste to share objects back and forth between MoI and Rhino, so can do a Copy in MoI, Paste into Rhino and perform the variable radius fillet there, Copy again in Rhino and then Paste back into MoI. That would probably be the easiest way to get it done currently.

- Michael
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 From:  lee
1955.3 In reply to 1955.2 
+1 on the variable filleting. Also is surface continuity going to be a possibility in moi? Amazing how some of the car models in the gallery were made without this feature.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1955.4 In reply to 1955.3 
Hi lee,

> Also is surface continuity going to be a possibility in moi?

Certainly at some point, but I'm not quite sure when, it may take a while before that part happens.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1955.5 In reply to 1955.1 
Just an update to this thread - got a reply from Ray through e-mail and the crash problems he was seeing went away when he updated his video driver to the latest version.

- Michael
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