Can this be modelled in Moi?
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 From:  gizmo1990
1952.47 In reply to 1952.46 
Thanks for that Danny.

Could you explain how you aligned that seam? I can't see how you can snap the rail point to the shells point?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1952.48 In reply to 1952.47 
Hi gizmo,

I just eye balled the alignment of the sweep from the top view then snapped the seams in line, it was just quick for the exercise, I didn't really know where you wanted the sweep exactly as long as I got the seams to line up.

Oh yeah, another point I wanted to make about the seams is that it would have filleted if the seams were further away as well, like if it was 5 or 6 units away from the main body seam, it would work also, it's just that when it is so close it gives MoI a brain strain ;) Michael might correct me on this.

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