Can't fillet this surface

 From:  gizmo1990
I'm trying to create a solid out of this surface which works ok when I use extrude. However I then want to fillet its side which I can't seem to do. Nothing happens when I apply fillet.

turning on show points seem to show that maybe the program has got mixed up as the cage is huge. I've tried joining the model but its has no effect.

Could someone tell me how to freeze the model? Or why I can't fillet it?

Any help much appreciated.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1934.2 In reply to 1934.1 
Why not join the original in 3Dm format? (Zipped compressed)
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 From:  gizmo1990
1934.3 In reply to 1934.2 
Thanks for the reply Frenchy.

Sorry but I don't understand what you are asking? Join the original in 3Dm format? Do you mean save out the object? How will that help?
If you mean apply a join command to the object I already have and it had no effect..
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 From:  gizmo1990
Here are 2 examples of things I'd like to apply a camfer/fillet to. Can anyone work out why I can't do this!?

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 From:  manz
1934.5 In reply to 1934.3 

It looks like you have trimmed a sphere to create the surface you show. The control points will show the underlying untrimmed surface (the sphere)

Due to the way the sphere as been trimmed, there is a seam crossing the surface which can give problems when you make an extrude and produce a non-solid which will not then fillet. I would suggest that you trim a sphere in a way not to include the seam, (you could continue with what you have, but would need to make further steps to sweep around the surface).

so, it looks like you have trimmed a sphere:-

with control points on, it looks like:-

When you extrude such a surface, you can have a problem due to the seam (the line that crosses the surface)

If, before you trim the sphere, you rotate the sphere so the seam is not included in the surface you want to extrude/fillet:-

You will then be able to extrude and then fillet.

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1934.6 In reply to 1934.4 
Hi gizmo - it seems to be filleting ok over here, here is a screenshot of your pad2 file filleted with a radius of 1:

My guess would be that you're running into one of 2 things.

First - in the file you posted there is an additional curve object on top of your solid, overlapping the edges. Curve objects take selection precedence, so that curve may be interfering with the selection of edges of the solid. Try selecting the curve first and then delete or hide it to get it out of the way so that you can more easily select parts of the solid. But you can actually just select the whole solid in this case instead of selecting any edges at all.

Second - what fillet radius are you using? As you can see from my screenshot a fillet of radius 1 fills up quite a bit of the area there, there isn't much room to go to a radius too much larger than that. If you are trying to use a larger radius then that could also be your problem.

I hope that this may help to solve your fillet issue, please let me know if you still can't get a fillet there even after taking these 2 issues above into account.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1934.7 In reply to 1934.4 
Hi gizmo - what I wrote above was for the pad2 example - for pad1 it is different, like Manz wrote above there is a problem there with the seam edge.

It looks like a bug in extrude, the extrusion is also trying to extrude up that seam edge which is not proper.

What I mean is for pad1 if you use Edit/Separate on the object after you have extruded it and then move away the top surface, you will see this:

See that extra vertical surface that is on the inside of the shape (I have selected it here)?

That shouldn't be there - it looks like a bug in the surface extrude that it is creating that, I'll see if I can fix that up.

If you do what Manz wrote above to get that seam edge out of the way from your base surface before extruding it, then you should be able to avoid this problem.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1934.8 In reply to 1934.7 
I've fixed this seam-edge face extrusion bug for the next v2 beta.

Also one other change is that in the next v2 beta when you extrude a face that is just a single surface all by itself, that face will get deleted instead of it hanging around, so that there won't be an extra surface hanging around at the bottom of the extruded solid.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Great! That will be helpful, Michael.

I had what I thought was a strange fillet result the other day. I built a half barrel by extruding a semicircle along a straight path and then capped the ends using the 'planar' command. Then I joined the ends to the semicircular side and filleted the joins between the ends and the side. The fillet extended beyond the side (perpendicular to the inner curve of the fillet). By the way, the side and ends did not have any thickness ... just simple surfaces.

The only thing I could figure out how remove these tags was to make a cutting plane flat with both edges of the curved side and larger that the whole object and then 'trim' the tags off. It worked but it was cumbersome.

I hope this makes some sense ... I erased the file afterward but I could recreate it, I think, if you would like to see the problem.

I am enjoying MoI ... I try to play with it a few minutes every day ... I think it will be a great compliment to my usual work horse, Rhino.

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1934.10 In reply to 1934.8 
Hi Michael,

> Also one other change is that in the next v2 beta when you extrude a face that is just a single surface
> all by itself, that face will get deleted instead of it hanging around, so that there won't be an extra
> surface hanging around at the bottom of the extruded solid.

Thanks for that, I always forget to delete that surface :)

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 From:  gizmo1990
Thanks a lot for the info! Now it makes sense to me.
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