Possible bug with MOI V2 beta

 From:  medi (MALD)
Hi Michael.

After many hours of modelling with V2 without any problems I have run into a snag.

While trying to model the AT-AT StarWars walker head I found that two of the display windows(front and top views) failed to display any model data. The 3D and left windows display okay.

See the attached 3dm files. Walker_head1 displays as usual but walker_head2 with some added objects only displays in two windows.

Any thoughts on why this has happened?


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1929.2 In reply to 1929.1 
Same result for me with your head2
Windows on the left seems freezed ???
Maybe some reason with the "images" loaded as background model ?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1929.3 In reply to 1929.1 
mmm, that's a new one.

It does the same thing in V1 as well, I also noticed that when you mouse over those empty views the coordinate display shows 1.#R 0 1.#R.

Mal, if you Hide all the objects then go to View > Reset all , it resets all the views then unhide your objects and it behaves fine after that.

At first I thought you might have drawn a line say 3km away by accident but all views should of displayed the same thing. Michael will have a better look and explain.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1929.4 In reply to 1929.1 
Hi Mal, thanks for reporting the bug.

Somewhere along the line, the camera point for the 2D views there got set to the special numeric value for Infinity...

There is definitely a bug in there somewhere, but unfortunately the real bug is in the thing that set the camera to that invalid value at some point previously.

I have added in some new safeguards for the next beta to avoid setting the camera to an invalid value like this, so that should help to avoid this in the future. If you can get it to happen again, please let me know and especially if you can save off the model in its state before this happens and then tell me how to repeat it, that would help to zero in on the actual bug. But it may be difficult to run across it again.

In the meantime the procedure that Danny wrote above (hide everything by Ctrl+A and then Edit/Hide, and then push View/Reset All) - will reset the camera locations of all the viewports to their initial default positions and that removes the invalid camera value and should let you work normally after that.

- Michael
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 From:  medi (MALD)
1929.5 In reply to 1929.4 
Thanks guys for your help.

Danny I followed your instructions and all is now okay.

Michael, this is what I was doing when the problem occurred.

I drew two concentric circles(was going to create a tube), selected both then tried to extrude them. Nothing happened and I tried again. Same thing.
I think that's when I noticed the top and left windows were blank.

As you suggested I tried to repeat these actions but everything worked as it should.

Will let you know if it happens again.

Thanks again.

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