Hi Michael,
> Is there anything else that you had in mind?
Well, I don't know how involved it would be, but I have mentioned this before.
With the more complicated models where I have to create features using more of a surface modeling approach and then joining those surfaces to create a solid, sometimes it doesn't become solid, a simple test I do is when joining the network of surfaces after I finished I create a cylinder through that model and do a boolean diff, this shows me if it is a solid or a sheet body. If it is a sheet body then I have a hard time trying to find the offending surface which has a gap at the boundaries somewhere, at the moment it's trial and error and if I get fed up I'm forced to bring it into another cad package and do a boundary analysis and most of the time it is a tiny gap just out of tolerance, that's why you can't pick it up visually in MoI.
So a basic tool that would show where or which is the offending surface or gap between surfaces so it can be corrected and move on.
~Danny~ |