Feature request

 From:  Val (GAT)
First one is kind of hard to explain:
1) I want to be able to recall tools I select from the menu over the once that I select using a shortcut. That way if I have to use two tools in combination, one selected through a shortcut and another through the menu I can seamlessly switch between the two.

2) Detail level based on zoom. I think this was asked before, but am just making sure.
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 From:  BurrMan
1860.2 In reply to 1860.1 
Hey Val,

For the first one I use the Plugin Gallery. Have you tried this one?

Customizable to work with your environment.

It's on Petr's page in resources


EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
1860.3 In reply to 1860.2 
You could also just setup shortcuts for the existing tools. They are in the commands folder named like the command. so to make a shortcut for circle, look in the commands folder and find out the name (circle). They are the .js files. Name of file equals name of command.

Hope I understood the original question. Post back.

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 From:  Val (GAT)
Thanks for the reply, the feature request I was asking about is a sort of tool recall override, based on the fact that one tool has been selected from the menu and the other using a shortcut. The reason behind it is that, using a shortcut is as fast as using a right mouse click, so there is no point in having both activated, so leaving the right mouse click to reselect only the tool that was selected from the menu would save time and mouse clicks.

So, for example with the feature:
I need to create two quads; I select the line tool from the menu and start making my corners, I then select all four edges and press the "E" key on my keyboard which was assigned to 'Network", I now see where the next shape should go, so; I right click and instead of recalling the 'Network' tool it would bring up a line tool, which was not used last, but was selected last in the menu, I would then press the "E" key next which my hand has been the whole time.

Thanks for the Plugin Gallery tip I didn't know about it. I will go look around it.
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 From:  BurrMan
1860.5 In reply to 1860.4 
Ok I get it. Recall only last menu tool, not last tool.

The reason behind it is that, using a shortcut is as fast as using a right mouse click, so there is no point in having both activated, so leaving the right mouse click to reselect only the tool that was selected from the menu would save time and mouse clicks.

I suppose you could just do shortcuts for all and drop the right mouse click. Your flow logic does make sense. Sounds like you want to keep the "2 handed" flow going like the 3d Connexion method which means "Keep the right click".

Talk to you later,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1860.6 In reply to 1860.4 
Hi Val, I think I understand.

One way you could make this happen in the current version is to put any command which you intend to use only by keyboard shortcuts on to the NonRepeatingCommands= entry in the [commands] section of the moi.ini file.

So like in the example that you mentioned, if you always want to set up network to be used by a keyboard shortcut and have it ignored for right-click repeat, you could make your NonRepeatingCommands look like this:

NonRepeatingCommands=delete undo redo network

With this in place, it will work the way you described, where the tool used before Network will be the one repeated by right-clicks instead of Network.

However, you will need to enter in all the commands that you want to work in this manner.

For the next beta release (not sure when, but sometime after I get back from SIGGRAPH), I have added a new option in the moi.ini file:


If you change this to DoNotRepeatShortcutKeys=y then commands activated by keyboard shortcuts will not be repeated by right-click, instead the last non-keyboard one done before that will be repeated. I think that will more fully do what you want.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
Thanks for the replies.
I will give those a try Michael, thanks.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1860.8 In reply to 1860.7 
Hi Val - just a quick note - that last one will not work in the current release, it will be in the next v2 beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
1860.9 In reply to 1860.8 
ok! thanks
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