Hi Danny,
> Yeah, I thought this was the case, but it would show you if
> you were precise when displaying 4 decimal places and you
> did the drag method....wouldn't it ?
Well, I mean it would show you that you were precise within 4 decimal places.
But if you got a value with your mouse of say 5.00002 , then that would still display as 5.
It just makes the amount of rounding for the display smaller but does not eliminate it.
It isn't very feasible to not have any rounding in the display at all because you would be seeing huge numbers like 5.000012502502301250120510 all the time when you moved the mouse around, there just isn't room to fit a huge number of digits like that in the UI.
> Anyway, I like the way you slip in these small dropdown niceties
> in V2 beta, quietly :)
Oops, yeah I forgot to mention that.
Actually there was the same function in v1, but it was labeled "Decimal places to display:", and took in a number value. When I added feet & inches units, I needed a similar kind of rounding value for fractions, and that works best with a dropdown instead of a number of digits entry. It seemed like the dropdown was also nicer for the decimal number of digits as well (just illustrates its function better), so I switched that over as well.
- Michael