Fillet Problem ??
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 From:  ioco
1804.4 In reply to 1804.3 
hi there..

rebuilt your object by sweeping the main profile..filleting up to ~45 with no problems..hmm, strange..well, maybe michael could shed some light on this..


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1804.5 In reply to 1804.1 
Hi Danny, the kind of relatively large size of the object compared to the fitting tolerance of 0.001 seems to be an issue here.

If you scale your object down to 1/100th of the size (select it, run Transform/Scale, type 0<enter> to pick the origin, type 0.01 <enter> for scaling factor), then it will behave a lot better and can be filleted to a larger relative amount.

Actually just scaling to 1/10th size lets it be fine as well.

I'm not quite sure exactly which piece of the filleter gets confused with the kind of fitting tolerance scale disparity, this will be a good test case for me to work with when I can focus on that area some later on.

I'm also going to start experimenting in v2 with some adaptive tolerance, which will be a tolerance that is relative to the size of an object's bounding box for larger or smaller things, it should help keep things working better for cases like this.

But at the moment you can get the job done by scaling down to 1/10 and then do the fillet and then back up again, although it may not be a bad idea to switch to centimeters for this until the adaptive tolerance kind of stuff is more in place.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Thanks ioco,
I'll try that, it is quite strange that it works for sweep.

Thanks Michael,
I'll have a play with the units.

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