Tire, rim fun

Just thought I would have some fun building a rim and tire. Any comments welcome thanks
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1777.2 In reply to 1777.1 
Here is another attempt. The Fillet tool sure has issues when the object gets a bit more complex. I wanted to fillet the cross beams to the radius of the rim but it won't to it unless it is a simple object. Let me know if you think this is better thanks.
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 From:  tyglik
1777.3 In reply to 1777.2 
Hi Moe,

Those curved spokes look certainly better.

>>I wanted to fillet the cross beams to the radius of the rim but it won't to
>>it unless it is a simple object.

I guess, the main problem is that there is no enough space to put some usable radius size only very very small one between a wheel rim and spokes.

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1777.4 In reply to 1777.3 
Hi Tyglik
thanks for the reply, I have tried what you suggested with no luck. It seems once you make a object a little more complex it makes it too difficult to fillet it. I tried doing the same thing with simple objects with no issues. Anyway thanks for suggestions. I will email Michael to see if he can help with this issue. Thanks take care.
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 From:  Anis
1777.5 In reply to 1777.4 
Hi Moe....

I think we have talked about fillet in Moi many times. As I know, this problem cause by the geometry library capability that use by Moi.
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1777.6 In reply to 1777.5 
Hi Anis,
thanks for the reply, I think I have pulled out all my hair trying to get this occamplished. LOL. Anyway does Rhino have more succes on this type of action just curouis? Thanks take care.


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 From:  Anis
1777.7 In reply to 1777.6 
Hi Moe....

I am not rhino user, but from what I have seen on some websites...Looks rhino better in this area. Dont forget, the first release of rhino is more than 10 years a go I think. So, I am sure Moi will be a good tool in this area also.

EDITED: 13 Jul 2008 by ANIS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1777.8 In reply to 1777.7 
Hi Anis,

> I am not rhino user, but from what I have seen on some
> websites...Looks rhino better in this area.

Looks can be deceiving...

It is kind of a mixed bag between MoI and Rhino's filleting - MoI will be able to do some fillets that cannot be done in Rhino and Rhino will do some that fail in MoI.

If you need better filleting, you don't want to go to Rhino for that, instead you need to go to a CAD program based on either the ACIS or Parasolid modeling kernels. Most of these are quite expensive like SolidWorks for example, although there is one inexpensive one that I know of which is ViaCAD.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1777.9 In reply to 1777.4 
Hi Moe, I got your e-mail and I replied to it with a tuned up version that will now fillet.

The main problem was your spoke was meeting your outer rim with just a slight amount of mis-alignment between the 2, which created a pretty tiny micro-edge.

Micro edges like that will tend to make MoI's filleter upset.

By rotating the rim by a slight amount (snapping one rotation point on to the rim's "seam" edge and the other to the end of one of the spoke surface), it then eliminates that micro edge when trimming those pieces to each other and then with that clean edge structure the fillet will succeed, I sent more details and an attachment for that through e-mail.

It's ok to have complex parts, but there still needs to be a pretty clean edge structure where all the parts connect to each other. If you have little tiny micro edges or little slivers of surfaces left over from booleans between pieces that were not quite aligned, that kind of a thing will prevent filleting from happening.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
1777.10 In reply to 1777.2 
Looking good,

I have not made tire rims in MoI before, so thought I would join in the fun,

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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Hi Michael,
thank you for that information as always, it really helped me figure this out finally. What do you think now of the tire and rim. Next will be rendering in another program. I will post it then take care.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1777.12 In reply to 1777.11 
It's looking good Moe!

- Michael
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