Problem with boolean

 From:  lgone

I'm new with Moi3d
I want to make a rim. I use a tutorial rhino for that.
But when i want to make a filet between the stick and the rim, it's not possible
I use the boolean to make union between the stick and the rim, and the operation it's not made, and i can't select the edge for use Filet?
I don't understand.


PS: excuse me for my english ;-)
I joint my file

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
177.2 In reply to 177.1 
Maybe like this :)

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ


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 From:  Michael Gibson
177.3 In reply to 177.1 
Hi Igone, this looks like a bug in the geometry library that MoI uses. It appears that some of the fillet surfaces of the center hub are not intersecting properly with the outer rim.

If you still have an earlier stage of this model, you may be able to get better results by applying the fillets to the hub after you do the boolean, instead of before doing it.

I have saved the model and I will submit it as a bug to the people who make the geometry library.


- Michael
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 From:  lgone
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