Wacom tablet

 From:  spedler
No, not a question about a tablet but a model of a tablet. Thought I'd try a full scene, so here's a model of the Intuos on my desk. All the modelling was done in MoI, texturing and rendering in C4D.

Not a perfect model by any means - I couldn't fillet all the edges I wanted to, probably my bad modelling rather than any deficiency in MoI. The pen was easy, the pen stand a little less so and the tablet hardest for some reason. Comments and criticism welcome.
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 From:  Denis (SPACELAND)
1765.2 In reply to 1765.1 
Hi there,

What was the export format use to import into C4D?

for the rest pen easy i say yes, the pen holder yeah i got the same one, harder a little bit. But why harder on the tablet itself, because of the corners and all maybe.

Seem to be smaller then mine( i got the 12x9).

Nice job.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1765.3 In reply to 1765.2 
to C4D : format OBJ with Ngon option !
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 From:  spedler
1765.4 In reply to 1765.2 
Yes, export OBJ with N-gons. MoI does an excellent job of meshing for C4D.

The reason I found the tablet harder was partly because it has so many curves and rounded edges, but mostly because I had a really hard time modelling the groove where the upper and lower halves of the plastic tablet join. I could get a groove down the side, but making it continue under the tablet was very difficult (in fact that model doesn't do it, but you can't see so...).
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 From:  manz
1765.5 In reply to 1765.4 
Hi spedler,

Any problems, please post the model, or a section of the model, others can then try to help.
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 From:  BurrMan
1765.6 In reply to 1765.5 
I was trying to get your seam and ran into a chanfer problem area.

I swept a profile to get the rough shape. (just an experiment so the shapes are primitive)

I seperated the piece with a boolean and then wanted to chamfer to create seam look.

On the top piece, front side, there seems to be 2 lines where I would expect the one to chamfer.

This is my holdup to get this front line to appear seamed.

If anyone cares to look at it and input, that would be nice.

I think the chamfer would not be the finished option for the model, I was just using it for fast look.
Maybe I should just dump it for this application and go with actual step back of edges.


EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
1765.7 In reply to 1765.6 
As a follow up I drilled into the area a little deeper and find this in one of the corners.

Was try to fix them with join but no luck.

I'm also open to The fact that I may have just proceeded through the chamfer incorrectly and should start over paying closer attention.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
1765.8 In reply to 1765.7 
Please disregard. Seems I tried to fillet 2 chamfered edges.

BTW: The tablet looks nice. I'm looking at it sitting on my desk and comparing.
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