
 From:  rampackwobble
Managed to kill moi today, and it asked me to post a report.- trouble is I can't find the report to send ?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1763.2 In reply to 1763.1 
Normaly if you press "Email Crash report" that is automatic!
You have not to find anything ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  rampackwobble
1763.3 In reply to 1763.2 
I think I pressed that - so maybe it was sent, but if it was then I got no indication of it going ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1763.4 In reply to 1763.1 
Hi rampackwobble, actually I did not receive it yet - that E-mail button should open up your e-mail program with the file as an attachment, but then you would have to hit "send" to actually send it, so if you didn't see the e-mail open up then it was not sent.

It looks like you are running on Vista - Vista has a file protection system that prevents programs from writing information into anything under c:\Program Files, including the application's own folder. That's kind of annoying but that's the way it is.

So under Vista it should get written instead to the Windows "Temp" directory, which it looks like default will be under: c:\Users\[your login name]\AppData\Local\Temp

Can you please take a look inside there and see if there is a file in there? And if so, please e-mail it to me at and that can help me track down and squish the bug. Thanks!

- Michael
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 From:  rampackwobble
1763.5 In reply to 1763.4 
Michael - Had a look in that folder but can't find this zip file (the folder was hidden at first but I managed to muddle my way through that particular problem :) ). When I clicked on send email it did not fire up my email program (windows mail). It did allow me to save the model with no problems.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1763.6 In reply to 1763.5 
Hi rampackwobble, sorry I think I gave you wrong information there - I forgot that on the dialog it shows you where that file is located.

I think you're running into a another thing that Vista does where it kind of "fakes out" programs that want to write data under c:\Program Files - it tells them that it wrote it there but actually writes it to a different location. Kind of confusing.

Please take a look under this location:

c:\Users\[your login name]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore

I think under there you'll have an additional "Program files (x86)" folder, with a MoI folder and then the crash report file inside of there.

I should be able to tune this up for the next beta to ask Vista to not give MoI this "fake" program files folder in this case.

- Michael
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 From:  rampackwobble
1763.7 In reply to 1763.6 
found and sent.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1763.8 In reply to 1763.7 
Thanks for sending the bug report!

This was indeed a program bug in Fillet in v2 - there would be a crash if you picked 2 points to define a radius distance, and those points were snapped on to the object being filleted.

I've fixed this up for the next beta, but for the moment when you click those 2 points to define a fillet distance, click them off to the side somewhat and don't click them directly on to the object, that should avoid triggering the bug for the moment.

I've also tuned up the crash reporting so that it won't get tangled up with the kind of "fake" Program files directory stuff that Vista so annoyingly added... So in the future the crash report should actually be in the location that MoI thinks it is in and is reported there on that dialog.

- Michael
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