Hi Tony, that would be some extra work for me to keep track of that.
But you can use a diff type utility to compare the new beta against the regular v1 install to find out which files are different.
It looks like you can download the WinDiff.exe utility here:
That will let you compare 2 folders and will show you which files are different between them.
The way you use it is to run WinDiff.exe, then from the menu pick File/Compare Directories
For Dir1, put in:
C:\Program Files\MoI 1.0\ui
For Dir2 put in:
C:\Program Files\MoI 2.0 beta Jul-3-2008\ui
Then push OK. (you can also put this all on an initial command line, like:
Windiff.exe "C:\dir1" "c:\dir2" )
Then a comparison of all files will be shown, files that are changed will be shown in a red color, and it will also show files that are only present in one folder or the other (like a brand new file, or one that was removed between the 2 versions).
You can also shorten the list by turning off the display of identical files since you don't really care about those, to do that uncheck Options / Show Identical files in the menu.
With this procedure you should be able to figure out which files have changed (and you can even drill in to a specific file and see which lines have changed) at any time you want without me having to keep track of that and send it to you.
Please let me know if you need any help running the WinDiff utility to get this info.
It will not be too unusual for me to be making all sorts of changes during the beta, I mean it may be possible for me to be switching things around and then back again, etc... So it could end up being kind of less work to wait to customize things until v2 is more "set". But if you really want to it should be possible.
- Michael