Extrude Curve
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 From:  karter
1738.3 In reply to 1738.2 
Hi Anis,

The geometry is fine but what I am questioning is related to the feedback and the "distance" box
whilst in the command. If you just click the circle then extrude notice the distance +- are correct
and relative to world coords, the other two curves have the opposite effect, meaning if I move the
mouse upwards Z+ it reports a minus distance ??

Hope this explains my confusion ;-)


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 From:  Anis
1738.4 In reply to 1738.3 
Hi Paul,

I tried with another sketch, and work fine.
But for your case, thats same on my laptop.
I am confuse also....

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 From:  manz
1738.5 In reply to 1738.3 
Hi Paul,

The +- on the extrude is working from the direction of the drawn curve, a circle will be anti-clockwise, whereas the open curves you have will be drawn clockwise.
just draw a box using lines, first draw in one direction, then draw another in the opposite direction, you will see what I mean.

Anti-clockwise will give expected direction of extrude:-

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  karter
1738.6 In reply to 1738.5 
Hi Steve,

I would of guessed at that myself but surely that is a bug no ?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1738.7 In reply to 1738.6 
Hi Paul, thanks for reporting this and for posting an example.

It is now fixed up for the first v2 beta.

- Michael
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