Hi Burr, sorry actually I forgot that little "full screen" arrow thing will only show up if have a windows taskbar that is not set to auto-hide.
I just did a quick test over here and I could not really find any problem, as long as the taskbar had "Keep the taskbar on top of other windows" set on it...
The main thing that I would think may interfere with the taskbar staying on top would be if MoI had its "full screen" mode enabled, but for that to get enabled you would probably have had to have the task bar set to non-auto-hide at some point in the past, is that the case?
If so maybe that is the problem, that MoI got kind of stuck in full screen mode. To see if that is the case, you could shut down MoI and then open the moi.ini file in a text editor like notepad. You can find the moi.ini file here in Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\Michael\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini
(it is slightly different under Vista, let me know if you need that info).
There is a setting for "MaximizeFullScreen" under the [UI] section, like this:
Can you please check to see if yours say "y" or "n" in there and let me know? Thanks,
- Michael