Hi PaQ - do you need to use transparency with the image or no transparency?
With no transparency, I think you should be able to get what you want by using 2 images, and dragging one to be a slightly distance away from the back one.
There is a bit of a trick to moving the image in this way, since it is kind of "paper thin" in the top view where you actually want to position it. So to do it, set the view to "Split" so you can see all viewports, then click and start to drag the image in the Front view, then while still holding the mouse button down move to the top view to position it in along the world "Y axis" (which is the "depth" for the front view I mean).
Or you can also drag them in the 3D view to position it as well.
If you drag one image a little ways in Y from the other one, it should then let you see different ones when you switch between Front and Back.
Does that do what you need or is there something that doesn't work right with that?
- Michael