Wow, that's quite a list. It is very helpful to get these kinds of lists. Of course many things on this list involve quite a lot of work and will have to wait for future versions, but I do plan for several to be available for V1. Here are my comments (and some questions for clarification):
> Speed selection ( Ring, Loop, Connect selection )
I think that there will be some stuff in this area for V1, it probably won't be for a while yet though (like not for several betas).
> Speedy Extrusion/Insertion maybe somethinglike that
I don't think that this will be possible for V1, but what I will do is improve offset to reduce the number of steps somewhat. Right now if you select all the edges of a cube and try to do an offset, it does not merge the edges together into a single rectangle, it offsets all lines separately. I can fix that up, and I can also make it work better in the 3D view by making an offset of a planar shape happen in its own plane instead of always relative to the view's construction plane like it is now. This also probably won't be for a few betas though.
> Template (background image )
> Duplication along a path (+ orientation of path)
> Rectangle, Polar Array
> Possibility to change light orientation in view 3D
These ones I do plan on doing pretty soon, they are at the top of the list of stuff to do after the meshing work is completed.
> Spiral
I don't think that I will have this for V1.
> Curves "Text"
I think I'm going to try to have this for V1 but it won't be for a while yet.
> Change Focal view camera
Is it important to have a way to set it exactly by a dialog box? Or just to manipulate it wider/narrower? I was just thinking maybe ctrl+mouse wheel for a way to manipulate it.
> Functions Bend, Taper, Twist,
I won't be able to get these for V1.
> Solid Torus, Pipe, Pyramide, Capsular, ...
I don't think that these will be for V1 either. Several of them have pretty easy constructions, like draw a circle and revolve for a torus. I know that he just wants a faster way to do it, and it will happen eventually in future versions.
> Choice of a metric sytem for a new document
Does he mean choice of a unit system such as mm, cm, inches, etc?
> Systeme of text cotation :)
Does this mean dimension text? Like a labeling that shows the width or height of an edge and stuff like that? This is an area that I plan to work on in future versions, but it is too complex to finish for the V1 release.
- Michael