looking for help with propeller model

I have been trying unsuccesfully to loft a propeller. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1694.2 In reply to 1694.1 
If you do a Search here for "Windmill Wing how to" you may find sufficient answers.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1694.3 In reply to 1694.2 
Hi JP, please post here again if that previous windmill wing discussion doesn't get you going.

One quick bit of advice - it can be a lot easier to make things like that if you don't worry so much about the rounded tip part at the very end during the initial modeling part.

I mean focus first on kind of the main body of the propeller, get some curves arranged out similar to this:

Then select them and run Construct/Loft to build a base surface like this:

That's the basic way to get started. Once you have that central form done then you can worry more about the tip and about joining that blade to a central hub, if you get stuck on parts please post a .3dm model file here with your current progress in it, that makes it a lot easier to give advice.

- Michael

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1694.4 In reply to 1694.3 
Thank you for the suggestions. Simplification seems to always be the best answer. I wound up useing the sweep command with two rails. After some tweeking, the product seems smooth enough to give a go on the router. By the way, output as an .STL is working flawlessly with Vectric 3D.

Keep up the great work!

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 From:  AirAce (KENT777)
1694.5 In reply to 1694.3 
This looks like exactly what I want. We don't have to wory about either end of the blade. The shank end will have a metal ferule on it and the tip doesn't have to be finished, it will be held in place by a dead center tail stock. I think the procedure would be to write a program for the top of the airfoil and another one for the bottom of the airfoil. Carve the top, turn it over, carve the bottom. Then hand finish the tip and the area next to the metal ferule.
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