MoI appreciation

 From:  beestee
Let me start off with a little bit of my background. I do architectural visualization for a living and use Autodesk Max and AutoCAD on a daily basis. Oddly enough, my path started in school with technical drafting. I have always favored the technical side of my job, at times focusing on the smallest details so intently that I get caught up in the correct representation of details which usually will show up as <1 pixel in the final imagery.

MoI has taken me back to what I love about technical drawing without the need to untrain myself of the innacuracies that I have picked up from my arch vis experience. I romped around in the open beta a little over a year ago and was very impressed, but really never took the time to draw anything meaningful. I had a little extra time recently and decided to jump back in only to find that the beta was over and there were 2 demo versions. I thought to myself that all I would really do with it is play around a bit so I don't really need to be able to save anything, I will just get the no-save demo so that I can mess with it in the future as well.

I had my SanDisk Clip MP3 player sitting on my desk so I decided to give it a go. About an hour later, I had the thing drawn and had expanded my knowledge and appreciation of this program 100 fold...needless to say, I was frustrated at my decision to opt for the no-save demo version.

I was hooked, and wanted to be able to save my work, so I put down the money for it. I have been very pleased with the purchase. MoI is what I consider a near perfect marraige of the accuracy I can get from AutoCAD with the simplicity of a program like Sketch-Up, and then my experience with Max even segways with the MoI interface surprisingly well.

I have just used the program for the first time on one of my production projects and was very pleased with the export options. I keep digging in this gem of a program and find treasure after treasure, and then I come here and read about all of the developments that we may see in v2. I have a pretty large project coming up in which MoI will probably see some pretty heavy technical use, and I hope to be able to share some VRay rendered imagery from it.

Thanks for the great program, keep up the good work, and I very much look forward to seeing v2!

Your customer,
Benjamin Steinert

P.S. I love the construction lines feature just the way it is...don't complicate it too much :)

EDITED: 12 Jun 2008 by BEESTEE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1681.2 In reply to 1681.1 
Hi Benjamin, welcome to the forum!

I'm glad that you found some time to dig into MoI some more and found it so useful, thank you very much for ordering it.

> P.S. I love the construction lines feature just the way it is...don't
> complicate it too much :)

Don't worry... :) That particular area is pretty much all wrapped up - everything that I wanted to get in there was all finished up already in v1.

I think that one of the things you'll like about v2 is that is brings a few additional elements similar to SketchUp into play, like being able to draw directly on surfaces in the 3D view. I'm just finishing up a few last details for how this works right now.

I hope you will be able to share some of your VRay renders, it is always fun to see what people are doing with MoI!

- Michael
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