Please don't get me wrong, I am not a Max user, at least not a good one.... I find it difficult and I don't need it's capabilities more than 3%.
I just like some of the methods very much....
I try to imagine MoI's future as a user.... I would like to be able to do many things even if I don't need them every day.... For example, we have an array command... What if we could make this array attached to a surface? I mean what if we make a 10X10 objects and then make them follow the surface of an object, something like trees on a mountain..... or the very nice array on a curve that we already have in MoI.
Another example.... What if we created this array and now we want to replace the initial object we used (and every other object of the array) with a better object we imported.... Would be nice to have such a tool.... Or, scale one object and then everyone follows... That's instances.
Another great feature of Max is the modifiers stack.... Make a box, make a fillet, open a hole.... No, it has to be a bigger box.... Go back and change box's one dimension, 2.3cm.... and now the fillet can be a bit bigger, change that too....
You get the picture I think....
I am not a programmer, I judge every product from the result I get.... MoI is great but there is a lot of work to do so my only purpose is to help Michael and not make a clone of Max which I don't like very much.
I wish I had some experience with better apps like Maya or Rhino but since I am not a CG artist and I work with buildings, I never had the need.
***Modeling Of Ideas*** |