Repair Surface

 From:  karter

I have a surface (made a few years ago) that I have imported into MoI by IGES.

The surface is open at the seam and therefore I wanted to align the cv's to close up the gap. My problem is I can only window points so far, I mean before the window box selects point im not interested in. If I zoom into the area and try to use select by box it moves the surface!!. I dont appear to be able to lock the surface after I have turned on points so that a further selection can be made.

If we had wireframe view or select next U (heheh) that would be the ticket unless one of you guys knows of a way pls ?

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 From:  manz
1648.2 In reply to 1648.1 
Hi Paul,

>>If I zoom into the area and try to use select by box it moves the surface!!

Press Ctrl+shift (keep pressed) then select by box.

- manz
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 From:  karter
1648.3 In reply to 1648.2 
woooooohoooooo !!

Thanks Steve ;-)
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