I'm an absolut beginner in 3D world (but I've used a vector drawing program for many years)
I'm looking for a 3D software and I think MoI and carrara (for render/animation) could be a good choice.
I've drawn a simple town in MoI (with many copy and paste) and I've tried to render it in carrara but I had to apply textures on hundreds of objects (wall, windows...).
(I know this town is very simple, but it's my second 3D drawing in my life ever)
My question is : Is there a way to do such a job more quikly or a new fonction which make it easier.
I've read about new fonction, that you make available for existing users beta version with new fonctions, and one of the new fonction in several wish list is "Something for manage object (color (?), group(?), arborescence (?)"
With such a fonction I could select all my wall and apply them a texture in carrara.
PS : maybe you may indicate the new beta fonctions list for existing owner on your web site.
The problem is the same for this computer.
If I want to put several commputer in a room, I had to apply texture in every objet.
(This is my third 3D drawing, I feel I progress, this soft is fantastic)
I could make the copy and paste of several objet after texturing, in carrara but I found carrara harder to use.
Thanks in advance for your answer.