Extract Geometry

 From:  karter

Im tying to recreate a sweep or tapered extrusion from the planar surface shown. I have a line drawn at 45 deg from the topedge. Being there is no extrude tapered I wanted to sweep the line around the edge but seemingly sweep wants a closed curve or the line orientating correctly ?. Question is how would one extract the curves from that planar surface to join together ?

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 From:  manz
1614.2 In reply to 1614.1 
Hi Paul,

>>how would one extract the curves from that planar surface to join together ?

Select the planer surface, then select the edges, then "Join", that will make a copy of the edge (as closed) for the sweep.

- manz
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 From:  karter
1614.3 In reply to 1614.2 
Thanks Steve - thats helps me a lot !

Would there be any mileage in using the Set Path or set Dir in the extrude curve cmd?

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 From:  manz
1614.4 In reply to 1614.3 
Hi Paul,

Your welcome.

>>Would there be any mileage in using the Set Path or set Dir in the extrude

The set dir I find useful, usually due to the fact I work quite a lot just in the 3d view, so sometimes MoI can start an extrude in a different direction than I actually want, so it is then easy to change the direction.
The set path, well, that I do use mainly if I want the extrude to go off planer (or want a specific shape).

They are options worth looking at, certainly as you can extrude a surface with those options.

- manz
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 From:  karter
1614.5 In reply to 1614.4 
Hi Steve,

Extrude & Set Dir is very cool but not what I want in this case. I think Michael has left out extrude tapered as sweep will do the job with some minor additional geometry ?

I have another problem which im not sure if setting related but when im selecting edges MoI seems to ignore where my mouse is and selects other edges not even directly coincident.....Image attach shows my cursor pos and the edge it wants to select...this can really annoy after a few minutes - can I change this in some way please?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1614.6 In reply to 1614.5 
If you have selected one edge, Moi will enlight only edges where mouse over pass but you must click for select it/ deselect it
same for faces
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1614.7 In reply to 1614.5 
Hi Paul,

> I think Michael has left out extrude tapered as sweep will do the job
> with some minor additional geometry ?

Well, it's more left out just because I haven't had time to get to it yet...

One other method you can currently use in place of it is to do an Offset of your curves, then move the offset upwards, then Loft between the 2 pieces. See here for an example:

That's actually the same process that a tapered extrude command will use when I get a chance to make it.

If you're having problems with doing that, could you please post a .3dm model file with your curves in it? That would help me take a look and give some more specific advice.

> I have another problem which im not sure if setting related but when
> im selecting edges MoI seems to ignore where my mouse is and selects
> other edges not even directly coincident.....

I've heard of this a couple of times before, it was due to problems in the video card driver - basically the driver is not paying attention to MoI's request to not do anti-aliasing in one particular rendering pass related to selection.

If you go to your video card settings, under Control Panel / Display / Settings / Advanced, you'll probably see a section there for anti-aliasing, is it currently set to have anti-aliasing turned on always? If so change it to say "application controlled", and that will probably solve the problem.

Also updating your video driver to a newer version may solve the problem without needing to mess with any settings.

Please let me know if you still have problems with this or if you need more details on where the anti-aliasing settings are.

- Michael
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 From:  karter
1614.8 In reply to 1614.6 
Hi Pilou,

Yes I understand that part. That model you see is a solid so if for instance I want to chamfer the top edge of the model including around the bore and the slot that becomes very tedious for me as MoI will not let me easily select the edges I want.

Hope somebody can help.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1614.9 In reply to 1614.8 
Hi Paul, just one other note - if you want to chamfer all the edges on the top there, there is a shortcut for doing that by selecting the top face instead of the top edges.

When you select a face and then do chamfer or fillet, all the edges that belong to that face will be targeted for the operation.

So in cases like this, that is just one thing you have to pick instead of picking all the edges.

But you'll still want to change that anti-aliasing setting, or update your video driver like I described above so that regular selection works properly. Please let me know if you need more info on that.

- Michael
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 From:  karter
1614.10 In reply to 1614.7 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the update and links...

>If you go to your video card settings, under Control Panel / Display / Settings / Advanced, you'll probably >see a section there for >anti-aliasing, is it currently set to have anti-aliasing turned on always? If so >change it to say "application controlled", and that will >probably solve the problem.

Super !!! now were talking :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1614.11 In reply to 1614.10 
Hi Paul, did that fix up the selection problem then?

- Michael
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 From:  karter
1614.12 In reply to 1614.11 
Hi Michael - Yes that did the trick and MoI works as expected now.....and so far my other CAM apps are not effected.

Thanks very much,
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