Demo version OBJ export

 From:  mnemonicimage
I am trying the demo version to see how the OBJ and LWO exports look from MOI but the demo does not seem to export a file. Is it locked out in the 30 trial version?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1589.2 In reply to 1589.1 
Hi mnemonicimage, no the 30 day trial should allow you to save out to OBJ and LWO files.

Can you please describe what you see when you try to export, is there some kind of dialog box popping up or something like that?

Note that there are 2 demo versions, one 30-day one and one "save disabled" one. Did you maybe get the "save disabled" version instead of the 30-day one?

- Michael
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 From:  mnemonicimage
1589.3 In reply to 1589.2 
i downloaded the moi_v1_trial_setup.exe 9mb version at the dop of the download. When I use save or export with the object selected nothing pops up nor does a file appear where I am saving it to.

It is a demo iges file perhaps it is only lines and no mesh. Do you know where I can get test iges file to test it out?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1589.4 In reply to 1589.3 
Hi mnemonicimage, that is the right demo version that does have saving enabled.

But yes - only surface data can be exported to a mesh file format.

If your model consists only of curve objects (like lines for example), then that won't export to a mesh file format.

If you'd like, you can send your model file to me at and I can take a look to see what the problem is.

> Do you know where I can get test iges file to test it out?

I don't really know of a good location to download iges files... But to do a basic test you could do something like draw a sphere or box using the "Draw solid" tools in MoI. You should be able to export solids like that to a mesh file.

- Michael
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 From:  mnemonicimage
1589.5 In reply to 1589.4 
that was it. I did the sphere and cube in MOI and then it exported fine. Now I have to test it on a larger scale iges model from solidworks. Or do you have a better format for importing solid works files?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1589.6 In reply to 1589.5 
> Or do you have a better format for importing solid
> works files?

If you can get it in .3dm format, then that would be better, but IGES is more widely supported.

I think that SolidWorks has a .3dm importer but I think it doesn't have a .3dm exporter, so probably IGES will be the way to go.

- Michael
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