please i need help

 From:  billis
can anyone make me a tutorial how to make this greca motif follow the curve.Ii dont think that can be ib moi byt i am sure that can make it in rhino.please help me.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1588.2 In reply to 1588.1 
Hi billis, definitely doing that kind of warping is easier to do in Rhino, there is a command in Rhino v4 called "FlowAlongSrf" which can morph curves from a source surface (which would be a plane that you would draw underneath your curves) to a target surface.

If you have Rhino then I would suggest using that command to accomplish that.

to do this in MoI alone probably the easiest way would be to create a flat plane object with several points in it, then trim that plane and then move the control points of the plane to change it to a curved shape, the trimmed holes will follow along with it.

Here are some steps for that method:

Starting wiht a curve drawn with Draw curve / Freeform / Control points, make a curve that has several points along a straight line like this:

Now extrude this curve (possibly using the Set Dir command to tell MoI which direction to extrude in) to create a surface that has the same kind of point structure:

So now you've got a plane there, but unlike a simple plane that has just 4 corner points, this one has several interior control points which can be used to deform it later on.

Now take your flat curve patterns, and use Edit/Trim to cut holes in this plane with them, like this:

Now select the plane, turn control points on with Edit/Show pts, and then from the front view, drag the points around to warp the plane into your curved shape. Do a window select around each point so that you actually grab the pair of points in each spot instead of doing a single click which will only select one of them:

The holes on the plane will move along when the surface's control points are dragged, so you can get a final result like this:

If you have Rhino available though I would suggest using FlowAlongSrf instead of this though.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  billis
1588.3 In reply to 1588.2 
thanks michael for ur answer.but i have see someone to create this ,make the greca curve ,then extrude and then with the right command make it follow the shape(i remeber that he say to me that the length of the greca must be the same with the curve that must follow to work this comand)if u know this comand i was greatfull if u can show to me
again thanks for ur time
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1588.4 In reply to 1588.3 
Hi billis,

> if u know this comand i was greatfull if u can show to me

Do you mean in MoI or in Rhino? In Rhino v4 try the command "FlowAlongSrf" for this.

- Michael
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 From:  billis
1588.5 In reply to 1588.4 
in rhino.but this i say is litle diferent that urs tutorial.the command i say make a object folow a curve(if this command there is and in moi i wana learn it)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1588.6 In reply to 1588.5 
Hi billis,

> in rhino.but this i say is litle diferent that urs tutorial.the command
> i say make a object folow a curve

Yes - the command in Rhino is different, the steps that I showed above were for creating that kind of effect in MoI.

In Rhino try using the "Flow" to warp an object to follow a curve, or "FlowAlongSrf" to warp an object to follow along a surface.

Since this is the MoI support forum and not the Rhino support forum, this isn't really the right place to go into a bunch of details on how that Rhino command works, you might want to ask in the Rhino newsgroup for more help on that Rhino command. But I hope giving you the Rhino command name may point you in the right direction - try starting with the Rhino help file.

> (if this command there is and in moi i wana learn it)

No, sorry, MoI does not have that command. In MoI you would need to use the steps that I showed previously - trim a surface and then move surface control points around. But that is definitely more steps than Rhino's Flow or FlowAlongSrf methods, so I would recommend using Rhino for this instead if you have it available.

- Michael
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 From:  billis
1588.7 In reply to 1588.6 
anyway thank u for precius time michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1588.8 In reply to 1588.7 
Hi billis, also if you have some curves you are working with you might want to post a .3dm file of those, it is a lot easier to give more specific advice when I can work with some curves you are using instead of just looking at a screenshot.

- Michael
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 From:  billis
1588.9 In reply to 1588.8 
michael this the curves i work
thanks for u time

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1588.10 In reply to 1588.9 
Hi billis, to make the Rhino flow command work, you would use an arrangement like I have attached here.

Note how there are 2 separate curves - one straight line and then just one curved one.

Start by selecting the shape (which you will notice I extruded into a solid). Then run Flow, select the line as the base curve, and then the other curve as the target curve. That will then warp your pattern to follow the curve.

You may also want to experiment with flipping the Stretch=n option on or off.

I hope that might help you - but please realize that this forum is not the right spot for answering questions on how Rhino works. There is a totally different forum dedicated to Rhino located here - that is normally the place you should go to ask questions specific to Rhino.

- Michael

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 From:  billis
1588.11 In reply to 1588.10 
micahel thank u from ur answer.i unnderstand that u say and i am graitfull for ur time that u have spnend to me
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Thought it would be a challenge and a good tutorial for myself not perfect but...

Thanks for the method Michael. After forming the surface like in your last step I did an offset, then loft between the cutouts then a couple of trim sheets for the sides.
I have a question, is it possible to have like a 'solid offset' I tried extrude but it deforms as it goes around the curvature of the sheet, just a thought I had as I was doing the surface offset.


EDITED: 27 Mar 2009 by DANTAS

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 From:  manz
1588.13 In reply to 1588.12 
Hi Danny,

>>I have a question, is it possible to have like a 'solid offset' I tried extrude but it deforms as it goes around the curvature of the sheet,

Use "shell" (construct~ offset~ shell)

- manz
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1588.14 In reply to 1588.13 
Thanks Steve,
I should read The MoI docs more closely. The app I use at work offset and shell are 2 separate functions.

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