Hi guneriussen, I'm glad that you are enjoying using MoI!
> Are you going to implement "sharp corner" sweeps?
Yeah, having mitered corners for one-rail sweeps is definitely going to happen for v2.
But it will be for making actual sharp corners, it won't make rounded corners like your final result in your attachment.
Actually for rounded corners it is possible to do that in MoI right now, you've just got to round the path curve first before doing the sweep. Here's an example:
Select your path curve:
Then run Construct / Fillet. At the prompt that says "Select corners, or push done to do all", press Done or right-click to do all the corners, then pick a radius. That will fillet the corners of your path to make it look like this:
Now you can select your square, run Construct / Sweep, and then select the rounded-corner path as the sweep rail, to create this sweep in one go:
So if you need a rounded corner result, put the rounded corners in the path first and then your construction will have that all set up.
The part that I need to add for v2 is when you don't want rounded corners at the finish, but instead want sharp mitered corners at the end.
> Would you recommend it as a supplement in the modelling
> department, or will Moi V2 suffice for large scene management.
There are definitely a lot of additional tools inside of Rhino, for instance stuff for bending or warping solids, etc... So it certainly can be useful if you need some of that stuff.
But there will definitely be a lot more stuff for MoI v2 for handling larger scenes. If MoI's current tools are doing the job for you but you just need object management tools, then MoI v2 should handle that for you itself fine, at least that is what I will be trying to do!
- Michael